The meaning of the lyrics of the song "If somewhere in a foreign, troubled night" (Esli gde-to v chujoy nespokoynoy nochi) the performer of the song "Vladimir Vysotsky"

If somewhere in a strange, restless night,

You stumble and walk along the edge —

Do not hide, do not be silent, shout out to me,

I will hear your voice, I will recognize it.

Maybe with a bullet in your chest you lie in the ripe rye?

Be patient! I am coming, and my feet know no fatigue.

We will return to where even the grasses heal,

Just — don't you die, just — hold on to your blood.

If a horse is under you — race,

The horse will find the road, the dun one,

To those lands where living springs always beat,

And they will heal your wounds.

If your journey is hard: knee-deep in mud,

Over sharp stones, barefoot on cold water,


Weathered, smoky, scorched by fire —

No matter what — get there, crawl, reach out!

Here are such pure streams from under the snow —

You will not find, you will not imagine more beautiful;

Here are friends, and flowers, and no man's trees,

If we want them — they will be ours.


Where are you? Locked up

Or on a long journey?

At what forks, crossroads and intersections?

Maybe you are tired, disheartened, lost in the three pines

And can't find your way back?

Если где-то в чужой, неспокойной ночи,


Ты споткнулся и ходишь по краю —

Не таись, не молчи,

до меня докричи,


Я твой голос услышу, узнаю.

Может, с пулей в груди ты лежишь в спелой ржи,

в спелой ржи?

Потерпи! Я иду, и усталости ноги не чуют.

Мы вернемся туда, где и травы врачуют,

Только — ты не умри, только — кровь удержи.

Если ж конь под тобой — ты домчи,



Конь дорогу отыщет, буланый,

В те края, где всегда бьют живые ключи,


И они исцелят твои раны.

Если трудно идёшь: по колена в грязи,

по колена в грязи

Да по острым камням, босиком по воде по студёной,


обветренный, дымный, огнём опалённый —

Хоть какой — доберись, добреди, доползи!

Здесь такой чистоты

из-под снега ручьи,

ручьи —

Не найдёшь, не придумаешь краше;

Здесь друзья, и цветы,

и деревья ничьи,


Стоит нам захотеть — будут наши.


Где же ты? взаперти

или в долгом пути,


На развилках каких, перепутиях и перекрёстках?

Может быть, ты устал, приуныл, заблудился в трёх соснах

И не можешь обратно дорогу найти?

Vladimir Vysotsky's song "If somewhere in a foreign, restless night" is a song of address filled with boundless faith in friendship, devotion, and hope. The lyrical hero addresses his friend who is in trouble, in danger, possibly on the verge of life and death. He urges him not to give up, to fight for life, promising his help and support.

The song clearly traces several important themes:

Faith and Hope: Despite the most difficult trials that befell a friend ("with a bullet in the chest", "knee-deep in mud"), the lyrical hero does not lose faith in him and inspires hope for salvation. He promises that "fatigue does not know the legs", that he will find a friend wherever he is.

Friendship: The theme of friendship is central to the song. The lyrical hero is ready for anything for his friend, he will go through any trials to help him. This friendship is based on unconditional love, devotion, and self-sacrifice.

Overcoming: The song calls for struggle, for overcoming any obstacles. The lyrical hero supports his friend, urging him not to give up: "shout", "be patient", "jump", "get there".

Home as a symbol of salvation: In the song, the house is not only a physical place but also a symbol of peace, security, healing ("We will return to where the herbs heal"). This is a place where friends are waiting, where harmony with nature reigns ("There is such purity from under the snow streams").

The Motive of the Path: The image of the path symbolizes the life path, full of trials and obstacles ("At what forks, crossroads and intersections"). The lyrical hero believes that a friend will be able to overcome all difficulties and find his way to salvation, to home.

The song of Vladimir Vysotsky is a hymn to friendship, faith, and hope. It teaches us not to give up in difficult times, to fight for life and believe in the best.

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