The meaning of the lyrics of the song "You Still Love Him" by the artist "White Lies"

The song "You Still Love Him" by the British band White Lies tells a story of unrequited love and the grief experienced by the lyrical hero. He observes the object of his affection suffering for another man and feels helpless in the face of her feelings.

The first verse creates a contrast between the peaceful sleep of the hero's beloved and his own anxiety. He hears the "voice of an angel", perhaps a metaphor for his hope or innocence, which seems to lead him towards love. However, the tear on the girl's cheek shatters this illusion, reminding him of her true feelings.

The chorus is straightforward and brutal in its truth: "You still love him, but so does she, / She's gonna take him far away from you". The repetition of this phrase emphasizes the hopelessness of the situation and the inevitability of loss.

The second verse plunges us into the hero's despair. He enters his beloved's room, but finds it empty. The "empty grave" symbolizes the death of his hopes and the loss of connection with her. The feeling of "deep sleep" and the inability to move speaks to the paralyzing effects of grief and hopelessness. The image of the railroad and the screaming ghosts can be interpreted as a metaphor for the past that haunts the hero and the feeling of injustice associated with the loss of love.

The repetition of the chorus at the end reinforces the feeling of hopelessness and bitterness, leaving the listener with a sense of deep sadness and compassion for the lyrical hero.

I heard an angel's voice, singing in quiet prayer

It seemed to pull my heart slowly straight up the stairs,

I spent that night awake, though you lay fast asleep,

I saw a teardrop fall gently down your cheek

You still love him but she does too,

She'll take him far away from you,

You still love him but she does too,

She'll take him far away from you

I crept out of the house and tip-toed to your room,

But found your body gone

And left was just a hollow tomb,

I think at times like falling into the deepest sleep,

I wake and try to move again

But find my body's rendered weak,

I feel that just like walking down a railroad track

There's ghosts out in the square tonight

Screaming I want my money back

You still love him but she does too,

She'll take him far away from you,

You still love him but she does too,

She'll take him far away from you

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