The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Faces" by the artist "Whitechapel"

In the song "Faces," British deathcore band Whitechapel paints a picture of a brutal uprising against tyranny and hypocrisy. The lyrical hero, from whose perspective the story is told, leads the "living elite of protesters" who crave righteous retribution against the unnamed ruler.

The lyrics are saturated with fury and intransigence. The phrase "Erase your words and die" is a call for the tyrant's silence and death, whose promises and words have lost all meaning in the eyes of the rebels. The "Faces of Justice" do not believe in dialogue, they thirst for revenge and the symbolic destruction of everything that represents power: "We will hold your head high above your lifeless body."

"One nation under hypocrisy" is an image of a society mired in lies and injustice. The protesters, who call themselves "faces of justice," intend to destroy this order, even if it means resorting to violence: "And we will paint the ground with your blood." The anarchy referred to in the text is not chaos for chaos' sake, but an extreme measure necessary to destroy the old world and create a new, more just one.

Erase your words and die

We are the livide elite protesters

The faces of justice

And your reign has come to an end

We will hold your head high above your lifeless carcass

We are the livide elite protesters

The faces of justice

Dethroned, de-ranked, we'll take away everything

And rip your throat out and set you aflame

I will not pledge, for I stand against every word

One nation under hypocrisy

We will not live in, one nation under hypocrisy

We are the faces

Of justice fueling anarchy

And your reign has come to an end

We will hold your head high above your lifeless carcass

We are the livide elite protesters

The faces of justice

The masses cringe as they watch you burn,

and we stain the eath with your blood

Justice has been served

If you dare, step on this pedestal and promise us change

We'll change the features on your face

One nation under hypocrisy

Erase your words and die

We are the livide elite protesters

The faces of justice

I will not pledge, for I stand against every word

One nation under hypocrisy

We will not live in, one nation under hypocrisy

We are the faces

Of justice fueling anarchy

One nation under hypocrisy

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