The meaning of the lyrics of the song "The Flood" by the artist "Wolfheart"

The song "The Flood" by the Finnish melodic death metal band Wolfheart is a metaphor for the struggle with inner demons and the search for healing after a heavy loss.

The image of a flood symbolizes a powerful stream of negative emotions that falls upon the lyrical hero, sweeping away everything in its path. The water hides and buries everything familiar and habitual, leaving the hero alone with emptiness and despair.

The questions asked in the text reflect the hero's desperate attempt to find a foothold in this chaos:

How to preserve oneself, one's personality and sanity when everything around is collapsing?

How to start living again, collect the broken world from the fragments and find meaning after a loss?

How to express in words the pain that has bound the voice and left only oppressive silence?

Cold northern winds, black waters, and frozen shores are images that enhance the atmosphere of hopelessness and loneliness. The hero seems to be lost in an icy desert, where there is neither road nor landmark.

The absence of tracks and paths emphasizes that the path to healing is individual, and the hero has to find his own way through a storm of emotions.

The lyrics of the song do not provide ready-made answers but raise important questions about how to cope with loss, how to find the strength to live on, and how to find one's way in a world that will never be the same.

How to stand one's ground

When the flood drowns everything around

Conceals and buries under

How to rebuild and re-design

How to forge as whole and re-divide

Broken and torn asunder

How to speak without a sound

Without a voice utter the words profound

Into the silence

To comprehend and to abide

How to re-arrange and re-define

Emptiness inside

Cold winds of the North

Black waters and the frozen shores

Are waiting for the storm

No trails leading forth

No pathway to the woods

Forsaken and forlorn

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