The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Nuta Z Ponidzia" by the artist "Wolna Grupa Bukowina"

The song "Nuta Z Ponidzia" by the Polish band Wolna Grupa Bukowina paints a picture of the arrival of spring in the Ponidzie region. The lyrics are filled with imagery that conveys the gradual awakening of nature and the unhurried pace of life in the countryside.

The first lines depict spring slowly, "in small steps," making its way through muddy ground, fog, and wind. It's just beginning to take hold, so its attire – a green skirt – is still partly hidden under "dark gray mud."

However, despite this, the breath of new life is already felt: "the earth smells of a young body." Spring is compared to blossoming braids of flowers that adorn the meadows like bright goods in market stalls. This picture of abundance and beauty is linked to the religious motif of "forgiveness under Wiślica," which can be interpreted as hope for grace and rebirth.

The second part of the song focuses on the Ponidzie region itself. It appears before us bathed in sunlight, spacious and serene. "Lazy" spring Ponidzie, like a cat, turns towards the sun, stretching "across these fields, thin forests, in colorful willows." This description conveys the understated beauty of the local nature through simple yet expressive details.

The repeating phrase "While spring lasts, while this lasts" becomes a refrain, emphasizing the fleeting nature of the moment and the value of this special time of year. Spring in Ponidzie is perceived as a blessed period of harmony and renewal that one wants to prolong forever.

Polami, polami, po miedzach, po miedzach,

Po błocku skisłym, w mgłę i wiatr,

Nie za szybko, kroki drobiąc,

Idzie wiosna, idzie nam.

Idzie wiosna, idzie.

Rozłożyła wiosna spódnicę zieloną,

Przykryła błota bury błam.

Pachnie ziemia ciałem młodym,

Póki wiosna, póki trwa.

Póki wiosna, póki trwa.

Rozpuściła wiosna warkocze kwieciste,

Zbarwiały łąki, niczym kram.

Będzie odpust pod Wiślicą,

Póki wiosna, póki trwa.

Póki wiosna, póki trwa. [x2]

Ponidzie wiosenne, Ponidzie leniwe,

Prężysz się jak do słońca kot,

Rozciągnięte po tych polach,

Lichych lasach, w pstrych łozinach,

Skałkach w słońcu rozognionym,

Nidą w łąkach roziskrzoną.

Na Ponidziu wiosna trwa.

Na Ponidziu wiosna trwa.

Na Ponidziu.

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