The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Kar Prensesi" by the artist "Ya#351;ru"

The poem "Kar Prensesi" ("Snow Princess") by Turkish author Yaşar (Ya#351;ru) is a poignant story of loss and hope. The lyrical hero mourns his departed beloved, whose image is inextricably linked with the image of winter and snow.

The cold winter day becomes a metaphor not only for their last meeting but also for the hero's emotional state. The piercing gaze, snowflakes on her hair, the lingering scent - these details of the last memory intensify the feeling of irreplaceable loss.

Although "everyone says" that his beloved perished in a snowstorm, the hero clings to the hope of her return. He continues to wait, gazing at the sky as if searching for her image there. The metaphor of snow becoming a "blanket" and a "womb" signifies death, but at the same time, the possibility of rebirth and transformation. It is no coincidence that the beloved becomes the "Snow Princess" - a mythical creature associated with the beauty and coldness of the winter element.

The recurring lines "Yet I insisted she would return, I waited, / And once again I gazed into the distance, at the horizon" emphasize the contradiction between the general certainty of the tragedy and the hero's unwavering faith. He awaits her return not only in reality but also in dreams, where she appears to him as the "Snow Princess".

Ultimately, Yaşar's poem leaves open the question of what actually transpired. Was it death or departure? The important thing is that love and hope continue to live in the hero's heart, making him believe in a miracle.

Soğuk, karanlık bir kış gününde

Öyle bir derin baktın ki bana

Sonsuz bir vedaydı manası

Kar taneleri siyah saçlarında

Sarılırken bıraktığın o koku

Şu an hala omuzlarımda

Yine de gelir dedim, döner dedim, ben bekledim

Yine de gözlerim hep uzaklarda, ufuklarda

Dediler ki; fırtınada kaybolmuşsun, uzaklarda

Dediler ki; senin adın artık, Kar Prensesi

Yeryüzünü kaplayan bembeyaz kar

Senin sonsuzluk uykuna

Derler ki; sana yorgan olmuş

Saklamış seni kendi bağrına

Kar beyaz prenses elbisenle

Gelsen hiç olmazsa rüyalarıma

Yine de gelir dedim, döner dedim, ben bekledim

Yine de gözlerim hep uzaklarda, ufuklarda

Dediler ki; fırtınada kaybolmuşsun, uzaklarda

Dediler ki; senin adın artık, Kar Prensesi

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