The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Kutsal Saygı" by the artist "Ya#351;ru"

The poem "Kutsal Saygı" ("Sacred Respect") by Turkish author Ya#351;arru speaks of the inextricable link between humans and nature and the need for a caring attitude towards it. The author reminds us that humanity has existed on Earth for tens of thousands of years, and during this time countless lives have run their course, receiving everything they need from nature.

Ya#351;arru emphasizes the generosity of nature, but at the same time focuses on the equality of all living beings. Man is not the crown of creation and has no right to appropriate the resources of the planet, forgetting about its other inhabitants.

Addressing the reader with "you," the author urges them to hear the "whisper of the trees," the "melody of the waves," the "breath of the earth" – to feel and understand the language of nature, to be imbued with respect for the fragile balance of life.

An important idea of the poem is a reminder of the frailty of human life. The phrase "one day you will betray your body to the earth" sounds like a call not to forget about your connection with nature even after death.

In the final lines, the author lists the four elements – fire, earth, water, and air – that give man warmth, food, life, and breath. This enumeration emphasizes the vital role of nature for humans and serves as a reminder of the need to cherish the gifts without which existence is impossible.

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