The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Son Gece (Chieh Shi Shuai)" by the artist "Ya#351;ru"

The poem "Son Gece (Chieh Shi Shuai)" by Yaşar tells the story of the last night of the Turkic warrior Ashina Jiesheshuai before a decisive battle that will likely be his last.

The text is saturated with the grief and tenderness of parting with his beloved. The lyrical hero, knowing about the inevitable separation, consoles his "moon-faced" beloved, asks her not to cry and to remember him. He promises to be with her forever in her heart, in the memory of their last night.

The poem reflects the main values of a Turkic warrior: love, loyalty, duty and freedom. He cannot break his word and leave his comrades, "forty warriors", even for the sake of love. He is ready to face death, knowing that he will die for the freedom of his people. The image of the rising sun, which may not rise for the hero, symbolizes life itself, which he sacrifices for a higher purpose.

The final lines describe the battle itself, where the sounds of fighting are likened to music to the warrior's ears. He sees the death of his comrades, but does not give up, but continues to fight to the end, keeping the image of his beloved in his heart.

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Tengri karar kıldıysa, o gün bana güneş doğmazsa

Eğer uçmağa varırsam, Tanrı Dağıdır yerim

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Hatırla hep yağmur kokan bu geceyi

Sen benim gözyaşımsın, kalbimdesin

Ruhumdasın, canımsın...

Karanlık gece ardında ulu dala şafağında

Ay yüzlümle el ele altın beşiktir yerim

Tengri karar kıldıysa, o gün bana güneş doğmazsa

Eğer uçmağa varırsam, Tanrı Dağıdır yerim

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