The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Whistling Wind" by the artist "Ye Vagabonds"

In the song "Whistling Wind" by the Irish duo Ye Vagabonds, the theme of faith, the search for the meaning of life, and individual perception of the world is raised. The lyrical hero contrasts his point of view with the views of the interlocutor, who probably adheres to traditional religious beliefs.

The phrases "You believe in heaven, You believe in hell, And I don't believe in fairy tales" make it clear that the hero is not inclined to accept dogma and seek solace in religious doctrines. He is a rational person who seeks confirmation of his beliefs in the real, tangible world.

However, the hero does not deny the existence of something more than just earthly life. The phrase "But I believe in life, In what will remain After our death" speaks of his belief in the continuation of existence in one form or another, but without being tied to religious interpretations.

The hero finds confirmation of his thoughts in nature, in the "whistling wind", which for him becomes a metaphor for eternity, the continuity of being. The "melody" of the wind is a symbol of the harmony and beauty of the world, which exist independently of religious dogmas and beliefs.

In the last verses of the song, the hero once again emphasizes his independence and self-sufficiency in the search for truth. He does not need mentors and does not seek to impose his views on others. The "only meaning of life" for him is what he found himself, without anyone's interference. He does not want to "sell his soul" to any religion or any other dogma, preserving his freedom of thought and the right to an individual perception of the world.

You believe in heaven

You believe in hell, I

Don't believe in fairy tales

But I believe in life

And something stays behind

Even after we die

Even after we die

Something stays behind

And you talk about angels

In a holy choir, well

I'm not sure about things with wings

But there's a song in the whistling wind

Let me hear it again

Let me hear it again

In the whistling wind and the rain

Let me hear it again

So just give me one reason

To go looking for help

When the only meaning I know

Is the one that I found myself

And I'm not trying to sell

It to anyone else

I'm not willing to sell my soul

To anyone else

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