The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Give me your hand." (Day mne ruku) the performer of the song "Zemfira"

Give me your hand, I'll shake it

And we'll part forever

And from boredom, from hysterics

There will be no trace left

But even waves break

Life doesn't end there


Don't be sad, you are, of course, the best

I will remember your moles and your laughter

Give me time, I want it

You can have it all at once, you can have it all

My name is so tarnished

And no one will save me

But even stones roll somewhere

And I'm more alive, and this Friday

I'm going to tear myself away from the earth

I'm going to


Don't be sad, you are, of course, the best

I will remember your moles and your laughter

Give me your hand and I'll shake it

Give me your hand, I'll shake it

Give me your hand...

Дай мне руку, я пожму её

И расстанемся навсегда

И от скуки, от истерики

Не останется и следа

Но даже волны разбиваются

Жизнь на этом не кончается


Не печалься, ты, конечно, лучше всех

Я запомню твои родинки и смех

Дай мне время, я хочу его

Можно сразу, можно всё

Моё имя так засвечено

И никто меня не спасёт

Но даже камни куда-то катятся

А я живее, и в эту пятницу

Собираюсь оторваться от земли



Не печалься, ты, конечно, лучше всех

Я запомню твои родинки и смех

Дай мне руку и я пожму её

Дай мне руку, я пожму её

Дай мне руку...

The song "Give Me Your Hand" by Zemfira uses metaphorical language to convey the complex emotions of farewell and inner liberation.

The hand that the lyrical heroine asks for is a symbol of connection, of a relationship. The request to shake it before parting sounds bitterly ironic. The heroine seems to be seeking one last physical contact that will simultaneously confirm and break this connection.

The words "from boredom, from hysteria, there will be no trace left" speak of a desire to get rid of the burdensome emotions associated with this relationship. The heroine strives for freedom, for a new stage in life, where there is no place for pain and emptiness.

The images of waves and stones emphasize the idea of movement, change and the inevitability of fate. Life does not end with parting, the heroine understands and accepts this.

The chorus sounds like a mantra, an attempt to convince herself and her former lover that everything is for the best. The phrase "you are, of course, the best" is filled with irony and bitterness, but at the same time keeps within it remnants of tenderness.

The request "give me time" suggests that the heroine needs time to get over the breakup, to realize herself separately from this relationship. She is determined to move on, even if "no one will save her."

The image of "breaking away from the ground" symbolizes the striving for freedom, flight, a new beginning. The heroine is ready for change and open to the future.

The whole song is permeated with a sense of melancholy and hope at the same time. This is a farewell that opens the way to a new stage in life.

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