The meaning of the lyrics of the song "City" (Gorod) the performer of the song "Zemfira"

The city grieved with me, flew after me.

Yesterday's snow, old cassettes, revelations,

To the point of madness, I remembered how I used to fly.

Your pictures burned my eyes.


Home is too early and empty.

With you is too late and sad.

Breathe, don't disturb.

Strange tea, don't be bored.

People so greedy were throwing glances.

Next to me ran snippets of dreams from the newest year.

I will send postcards to bright strangers.

I recognize them by their scents, by the lovers.


Later, my taxi glided past traffic lights.

The city hid secrets in dark windows.

Stars rolled, burning holes in the sky.

Intersections went mad with yellow.


Home is too early and empty.

With you is too late and sad.

Breathe, don't disturb.

Strange tea, don't be bored.

Город грустил со мной, летел за мною следом.

Снегом вчерашним, старые кассеты, откровения,

До одурения вспоминала, как летала.

Твои картинки мне глаза сожгли.


Домой слишком рано и пусто.

С тобой слишком поздно и грустно.

Дышать, не мешать.

Странный чай, не скучай.

Люди такие жадные пуляли взгляды.

Рядом бежали снов отрывки с самым новым годом.

Я разошлю открытки светлым незнакомым.

Я их по запахам узнаю по влюбленным.


Позже мое такси скользило мимо светофоров.

Упрямо прятал тайны в темных окнах город.

Катились звезды, прожигая в небе дыры.

С ума сходили перекрестки желтым.


Домой слишком рано и пусто.

С тобой слишком поздно и грустно.

Дышать, не мешать.

Странный чай, не скучай.

In the song "Gorod" (City), Zemfira paints a picture of existential longing and melancholy, using the city as a metaphor for the lyrical heroine's emotional state.

The lines "The city grieved with me, followed me" set the tone for the entire text. The city, usually a symbol of bustling life, is here gripped by the same sadness as the heroine, pursuing her like a shadow. The images of "yesterday's snow, old cassettes" enhance the feeling of a bygone, perhaps happy time, the memories of which ("revelations, I remembered to the point of madness how I flew") now cause only pain ("your pictures burned my eyes").

The chorus reveals the heroine's dilemma. "It's too early to go home and it's empty" - returning to loneliness is unattractive. "It's too late with you and it's sad" - the relationship may be over, leaving only emptiness in its wake. All that remains is to exist in an intermediate state: "to breathe, not to interfere", drowning out the pain with "strange tea".

The second verse continues the theme of alienation and loneliness. "People, so greedy, shot glances" - the heroine feels vulnerable, unprotected from the outside world. At the same time, she strives for light, for love: "I will send postcards to bright strangers. I will recognize them by their scents, by their lovers." This sounds more like a desperate hope than a real plan.

In the final part, the city takes on mystical features. "The city stubbornly hid secrets in its dark windows. Stars rolled, burning holes in the sky." The city becomes an indifferent observer of human dramas, and the stars, symbols of hope, die, unable to pierce the darkness.

The repetition of the chorus at the end emphasizes the hopelessness of the situation. The heroine is left alone with her pain and sadness, finding solace only in "breathing, not interfering".

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