The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Within me" (Vo mne) the performer of the song "Zemfira"

A strange dream

I see a reflection of myself

So many years

Inside me

All the words

Inside me


Rain again

Tapping its confessions to the moon

This rain

Probably doesn't know about me

Inside me


Inside me


Inside me

All the love

Inside me

All that is

All that is

All that is

All that is

All that is.


Странный сон

Я вижу отражение себя

Столько лет

Во мне

Все слова

Во мне


Снова дождь

Стучит свои признания луне

Этот дождь

Наверное не знает обо мне

Во мне


Во мне


Во мне

Вся любовь

Во мне

Все что есть.

Все что есть.

Все что есть.

Все что есть.

Все что есть.

In the song "Во мне" (Within Me), Zemfira uses the metaphors of a dream and a reflection to convey the complex inner world of the lyrical heroine.

The dream and the reflection act as symbols of introspection, an attempt to look inside oneself, perhaps unconsciously. The heroine seems to be observing herself from the outside, trying to unravel her own essence.

"So many years / Within me / All the words": This stanza points to the accumulated life experience, which is expressed in words – thoughts, feelings, unspoken emotions. "All the words" speak of the richness of the inner world, but also its burden, because not all words find their way out.

The contrast of "Words" – "Silence" emphasizes the internal struggle, perhaps the heroine's inability to express herself, to find a response.

The image of rain is multifaceted. On the one hand, it is associated with sadness, loneliness ("Whispering its confessions to the moon"). On the other hand, rain, like words, carries purification, liberation. The phrase "This rain / Probably doesn't know about me" speaks of a feeling of alienation, misunderstanding from the outside world.

The culmination is the enumeration of what is "inside" the heroine: "Ships", "Cities", "All the love", "All that is".

Ships symbolize dreams, aspirations, a thirst for new discoveries.

Cities are experience, knowledge, the multifaceted nature of the personality.

"All the love" is the ability to love, the depth of feelings.

"All that is" is the key phrase, emphasizing the scale of the inner world, its fullness and self-sufficiency.

The repetition of "All that is" enhances the impression, creating a sense of the infinity of inner space.

Thus, the song "Во мне" (Within Me) is a figurative and profound reflection on the complexity of the human soul, the richness of the inner world, the search for oneself and one's place in the world.

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