The meaning of the lyrics of the song "In the metro / On the subway" (V metro) the performer of the song "Zemfira"

They saw the sky

Saw it together

Fell into the water

They lit garlands

And spent money

Hid their tears

They consumed each other

Slept with each other

For exactly two years

And rolled on rails

Without interest

In given poses


With feeling and duty

And we will live long

And explode together in the metro!

They watched movies

Somewhere they were silent

Somewhere they loved

By the conditions of life

There are two unknowns in this problem

They are very tired

They've been searching for something for so long

It's more than thoughts

But less than a heart

So interesting


With feeling and duty

And we will live long

And explode together

With duty and we will live long

And explode together in the metro!

They consumed each other

Slept with each other

They sawed the sky

Они видели небо

Видели вместе

Падали в воду

Зажигали герлянды

И тратили деньги

Прятали слезы

Они ели друг друга

Спали друг с другом

Ровно два года

И катились по рельсам

Без интереса

В заданых позах


Чувством и долгом

И жить будем долго

И вместе взорвемся в метро!

Они видели фильмы

Где-то молчали

Где-то любили

По условиям жизни

В этой задаче два неизвестных

Они очень устали

Долго искали что-то такое

Это больше чем мысли

Но меньше чем сердце

Так интересно


Чувством и долгом

И жить будем долго

И вместе взорвемся

Долгом и жить будем долго

И вместе взорвемся в метро!

Они ели друг друга

Спали друг с другом

Они пилили небо

Zemfira's song "In the Metro" paints a picture of suffocating routine and hopelessness in which the characters find themselves.

The first verse describes how even once-bright moments have become routine: "saw the sky," "fell into the water" - metaphors referring to experiences, travels, risk. But "saw together" takes on a shade of ordinariness, and "lit garlands and spent money" speaks of attempts to add at least some color to the gray everyday life. "Hid tears" is a clear sign that behind the external well-being lies deep dissatisfaction.

"Ate each other" and "slept with each other" are metaphors describing not passion, but rather, exhausting coexistence, where everyone eats each other's energy. "Two years" is a period that measures not love, but habit and hopelessness. "Rolled on rails without interest" is a metaphor for a spiritless life where everything is predetermined.

The chorus reveals the tragedy of the situation. "Feeling" and "duty" are already inseparable, have become shackles that bind the characters. "We will live a long time" sounds like a sentence, and "we will explode together in the metro" is a desperate cry for help, the only possible manifestation of freedom in their understanding.

The second verse continues the theme of emptiness. "Movies," "were silent," "loved" - everything happens "somewhere," as if past the characters, without affecting their feelings. "Two unknowns in the problem" is a metaphor for the aimlessness and meaninglessness of existence. The search for "something like that" turns into disappointment. "More than thoughts, but less than the heart" is a desire for tenderness, closeness, real life, which never finds a way out.

The chorus is repeated with a slight change - "with duty and we will live a long time," which further enhances the feeling of hopelessness and doom. "We will explode in the metro" from a desperate impulse turns into the only possible resolution of the conflict between duty and the desire to live.

The ending, "ate each other, slept with each other," reinforces the feeling of hopelessness. "Sawed the sky" is a metaphor for the futility of efforts to break out of a vicious circle.

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