The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Infinity" (Beskonechnost) the performer of the song "Zemfira"

I want the honest taste of cigarettes to linger in my mouth

Your gaze is so dear to me

Your color is extremely important to me

I die when I see what I see

And there is no one to sing to

I'm so scared I won't have time

At least manage to do something

With frozen fingers

In the absence of hot water

With sluggish thoughts

In the absence of you, of course

And I will freeze

I'll shoot myself in the back

I will choose a mine

And good evening

It's not on purpose

It just happened

I have solved the sign of infinity

Eyes disappointed with the film

Eyes enchanted by the sky

I can't explain

But I'm going back

Take me there will be

No more, no less than sound

And the sound is the same as the thread

But I'm still a friend

With frozen fingers

In the absence of hot water

With sluggish thoughts

In the absence of you, of course

And I will freeze

I'll shoot myself in the back

I will choose a mine

And good evening

It's not on purpose

It just happened

I have solved the sign of infinity

And I will freeze

I'll straighten my back

I'll pull my cap down

And good evening

It's not on purpose

It just happened

I have solved the sign of infinity

And I will freeze

I'll pull my cap down

I'll push something

And good evening

It's not on purpose

It just happened

I have solved the sign of infinity

And I will freeze

Я хочу, чтобы во рту оставался

Честный вкус сигарет

Мне очень дорог твой взгляд

Мне крайне важен твой цвет

Я умираю, когда вижу то, что вижу

И не кому спеть

Я так боюсь не успеть

Хотя бы что-то успеть

Замороженными пальцами

В отсутствие горячей воды

Заторможенными мыслями

В отсутствии конечно тебя

И я застыну

Выстрелю в спину

Выберу мину

И добрый вечер

Я не нарочно

Просто совпало

Я разгадала знак бесконечность

Разочарованные фильмом

Очарованные небом глаза

Я не смогу объяснить

Но возвращаюсь назад

Проводи меня останется

Не больше, ну и не меньше чем звук

А звук тот же что нить

Но я по-прежнему друг

Замороженными пальцами

В отсутствие горячей воды

Заторможенными мыслями

В отсутствии конечно тебя

И я застыну

Выстрелю в спину

Выберу мину

И Добрый вечер

Я не нарочно

Просто совпало

Я разгадала знак бесконечность

И я застыну

Выпрямлю спину

Кепки надвину

И добрый вечер

Я не нарочно

Просто совпало

Я разгадала знак бесконечность

И я застыну

Кепки надвину

Что-то задвину

И добрый вечер

Я не нарочно

Просто совпало

Я разгадала знак бесконечность

И я застыну

In the song "Infinity," Zemfira paints a picture of an existential crisis, where the lyrical heroine is torn between the desire to preserve a sense of reality ("honest taste of cigarettes") and the fear of inevitability ("I'm so afraid of not having time"). The image of "frozen fingers" and "lack of hot water" conveys a feeling of hopelessness and apathy. The heroine feels paralyzed, unable to act ("I will freeze," "I will choose a mine").

The "infinity sign" in this context can be interpreted as a symbol of eternity, against which human life seems insignificant. The heroine tries to find meaning in this infinite space but faces disappointment ("disappointed eyes of the film") and the inability to comprehend the truth ("I cannot explain").

The recurring motif of "cap" and "good evening" can be seen as an attempt by the heroine to hide from reality, to create an illusion of normalcy. However, the phrase "I have solved the sign of infinity" sounds ambiguous. Perhaps the heroine has come to terms with the inevitable, or, on the contrary, has found a way to overcome the fear of emptiness.

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