The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Antananarivo" (Antananarivu) the performer of the song "Zemfira"

You're not with me, so what?

In the reflection, I look a bit

Like a god,

Like six billion people. There's so little of me.

It's strange that you don't appreciate it,

But still, the wound isn't fatal.

Cheers to the stewardesses,

Suspended in their seats, far from stress.

I'll run away to Antananarivo,

After all, there's boogie, tanned shoulders, and beer,

Romance, surfing, and the ocean,

No one owes anything to anyone.

Come on to Antananarivo,

Boogie, tanned shoulders, and beer,

Romance, surfing, and the ocean,

No one owes anything to anyone.

Especially me, especially to myself,

Especially me, especially to myself.

You will gather the pieces

Of my heart, to the very edge.

Forgotten verses

In the morning will resemble ripe cherries.

It's strange that you don't appreciate it,

But still, the wound isn't fatal.

And I will shoot

Concrete piles to the very edge.

Then I'll run away to Antananarivo,

After all, there's boogie, tanned shoulders, and beer,

Romance, surfing, and the ocean,

No one owes anything to anyone.

Come on to Antananarivo,

Boogie, tanned shoulders, and beer,

Romance, surfing, and the ocean,

No one owes anything to anyone.

Especially me, especially to myself,

Especially me, especially to myself.

Ты не со мной, и что же?

Я ж в отражении похожа

Немного на бога,

На шесть миллиардов. Меня так немного.

Ты это не ценишь - странно

Но все ж не смертельна рана

Салют стюардессам

Зависшим в креслах, подальше от стрессов.

Я сбегу же в Антананариву,

Все же буги загорелых плеч и пиво,

Романтика и серфинги и ocean,

Никто и никому ничто не должен.

Come on в Антананариву,

Там же буги загорелых плеч и пиво,

Романтика и серфинги и океан,

Никто и никому ничто не должен.

Тем более я, тем более мне,

Тем более я, тем более мне.

Ты соберешь обломки

От сердца до самой кромки.

Забытые вирши

Под утро похожи на спелые вишни.

Ты это не оценишь - странно,

Но все ж не смертельна рана.

И я расстреляю

До самого края бетонные сваи.

Потом сбегу же в Антананариву,

Все же буги загорелых плеч и пиво,

Романтика и серфинги и oкеан,

Никто и никому ничто не должен.

Come on в Антанананариву,

Буги загорелых плеч и пиво,

Романтика и серфинги и океан,

Никто и никому ничто не должен,

Тем более я, тем более мне.

Тем более я, тем более мне.

This song, "Antananarivo" by Zemfira, paints a picture of a strong and independent woman going through a breakup. The lyrical heroine isn't broken by her lover's departure ("You're not with me, so what?"). On the contrary, she feels strength and potential within herself ("In the reflection, I look a bit like God, like six billion."). She doesn't cling to the past and is ready to move on, finding solace in her own freedom ("Cheers to the stewardesses, hanging in their seats, far from stress").

Antananarivo in the song is not just a geographical location, but a symbol of freedom, carelessness, and new possibilities. It's a place where "no one owes anything to anyone", where one can start anew. The image is complemented by "boogie of tanned shoulders", "beer", "romance and surfing", creating an atmosphere of lightness and carefree living.

Despite the bravado, there's also pain from the breakup ("You'll collect the fragments from the heart to the very edge"). "Forgotten verses" are a metaphor for feelings that can't be returned, but still linger as reminders.

Nevertheless, the heroine is not going to drown in sadness. She'll "shoot down to the very edge the concrete piles", symbolizing the obstacles on the way to a new life. Antananarivo awaits, beckoning with freedom and adventure. The repeated phrase "especially me, especially mine" emphasizes the heroine's determination to live for herself, following her own desires.

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