The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Webgirl" the performer of the song "Zemfira"


Girl, living on the net

Finding love

Between the lines, between heaven and earth

With her fingers trying to guess

Hoping to guess

Till the end, till the end



Girl, living on the net

Living for everyone

Till the end, on the top floor

Keys, keeping the warmth

Melting the question

To no one, to no one

Maybe, on the other side

She'll meet in someone else's face

Before you give anything to the heart

Someone will give their heart and

You know, miracles do happen

You know, people do meet

Maybe you too



Girl, living on the net

Forgetting love

Between the lines, between heaven and earth

Girl - tired eyes

Catching the sunrise

Only for her, only for her



Girl, living on the net

Living on the net

Living on the net

Living on the net

Living on the net


Девочка, живущая в сети

Нашедшая любовь

Между строк, между небом и землей

Пальцами пытаясь угадать

Надеясь угадать

До конца, до конца



Девочка, живущая в сети

Живущая за всех

До конца на последнем этаже

Клавиши, хранящие тепло

Таящие вопрос

Никому, никому

Может быть, на том конце

Встретит в чьем-нибудь чужом лице

Перед тем что-нибудь отдашь в сердце

Кто-нибудь отдаст сердце и

Знаешь ли, бывает же чудо

Знаешь ли, встречают же люди

Может быть и ты тоже

Может быть...


Девочка, живущая в сети

Забывшая любовь

Между строк, между небом и землей

Девочка - уставшие глаза

Догнавшие рассвет

Только ей, только ей



Девочка, живущая в сети

Живущая в сети

Живущая в сети

Живущая в сети

Живущая в сети

In the song "Webgirl," Zemfira paints a portrait of a modern-day Juliet, confined to the virtual world. The "girl living in the net" searches for love "between the lines," in the digital space, where feelings are ephemeral and illusory, much like lines of code.

Her reality is comprised of "keys keeping warm," yet "melting the question" of genuine connection. She experiences loneliness ("to no one, to no one") but clings to the hope of finding a kindred spirit "on the other end" of the internet wire, in a "stranger's face" on the screen. Zemfira ponders: can virtual love become real? Can the heroine "give something to the heart" without the fear of being deceived?

The chorus emphasizes the tragic nature of the situation: "Girl living in the net" is both her defining characteristic and her prison. At the beginning of the song, the heroine "found love" in her fantasies, but by the end, she "forgot love," faced with disappointment or fear of real feelings. The image of "tired eyes that caught the dawn" speaks of sleepless nights spent online and a lost connection with the real world.

The repeating phrase "Living in the net" sounds like a sentence, highlighting the trap of the virtual world where the heroine risks remaining alone despite the seeming accessibility of communication.

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