The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Jim Beam" the performer of the song "Zemfira"


Tall glasses of Jim Beam

Kissing on the lips is unpleasant - cold sore

Got me. But it's warm under the stars on the roof

Totally. Maybe we'll go for a walk, take a step?


Even though they're lying down, plastic handles

Ooh, I wonder if he'll be able to hold me

Like so many other things

For twenty years I've been studying these tricks

I know for sure - it won't help and won't drive you crazy at all



Tall glasses of Jim Beam

Kissing on the lips is unpleasant - cold sore

Got me. But it's warm under the stars on the roof

Totally. Maybe we'll go for a walk, take a step?


As usual, I'm looking for clouds in the sky

I don't see any yet, it's the rhythm from the neighbors


They reach for me in my sleep, sucking on handles

Oh, thank you for not seeing, you drove me to colic

Oh, thank you

A drug addict and a melancholic-alcoholic

Yeah, they drove me crazy

A drug addict and a melancholic-alcoholic, alcoholic

Handles, handles, he whispers by

Handles, handles, he whispers by

A drug addict and a melancholic-alcoholic


Tall glasses of Jim Beam

Kissing on the lips is unpleasant - cold sore

Got me. But it's warm under the stars on the roof

Totally. Maybe we'll go for a walk, take a step?



По высоким по стаканам Jim Beam

В губы целоваться неприятно - герпес

Достал. А под звёздами на крыше тепло

Вполне. Может сходим-погуляем, шагнём ?


Пусть хоть и лёжа, пластмассовые ручки

У, мне интересно, он меня держать не сможет

Как и многое другое

Ровно двадцать лет я изучала эти штучки

Точно знаю - не поможет и с ума совсем не сводит



По высоким по стаканам Jim Beam

В губы целоваться неприятно - герпес

Достал. А под звёздами на крыше тепло

Вполне. Может сходим-погуляем, шагнём ?


По обыкновению ищу на небе тучки

Ни одной пока не вижу, это ритм от соседей


Тянутся во сне ко мне посасывая ручки

Ай, спасибо, что не вижу, довели меня до колик

Ай, спасибо

Наркоман и меланхолик-алкоголик

Да, довели меня

Наркоман и меланхолик-алкоголик, алкоголик

Ручки, ручки, шепчет мимо

Ручки, ручки, шепчет мимо

Наркоман и меланхолик-алкоголик


По высоким по стаканам Jim Beam

В губы целоваться неприятно - герпес

Достал. А под звёздами на крыше тепло

Вполне. Может сходим-погуляем, шагнём ?


The song "Jim Beam" by Zemfira paints a portrait of a lyrical heroine who is in a state of melancholy and possibly going through a difficult period in a relationship. Alcohol (Jim Beam) becomes a kind of escape from reality, a way to dull the pain and disappointment.

The heroine is cynical and ironic, as evidenced by the lines about herpes and unpleasant kisses. She doesn't expect anything good from the relationship, as indicated by the phrase "I wonder if he'll be able to hold me, like so many other things he couldn't". 20 years of experience have taught her not to have illusions and not to expect miracles.

The image of the starry sky and the offer to go for a walk contrast with the overall mood of the song. Perhaps these are glimpses of hope for the best, a desire to break out of the vicious circle of longing and loneliness.

At the end of the song, a new character appears - a "drug addict and melancholic-alcoholic." He personifies degradation and self-destruction. The repeating phrases "Hands, hands, he whispers passing by" create the feeling of a haunting nightmare that the heroine cannot get rid of.

Overall, "Jim Beam" is a song about pain, disappointment, the search for a way out, and fear of the future.

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