The meaning of the lyrics of the song "The Villain and the Hat" (Zlodey i Schapka) the performer of the song "The King and the Jester"

Once someone came to the market,

Approached the very first stall:

"Hey, merchant, think fast,

What clothes should I choose in your shop?

I am evil by nature, my aspiration is power,

Hot blood flows in me, a fierce passion burns within.


I want everyone, seeing my appearance,

To avoid me,

To understand immediately what kind of person I am inside."

The merchant understood - this was no easy task.

What could he possibly offer?

"I wouldn't want to offend you, my friend,

But someone like you, it's better not to see at all.

I think I know what will suit you,

Everyone will immediately understand your fiery nature."


And he opened an old chest,

Took out a hat and said:

"Once, Charlemagne himself wore it."

"Just what I need!" - the villain grinned.

He admired the new hat very much,

He walked home, imagined and was proud,

He spent the whole evening spinning in front of the mirror in the bedroom.

But when he took off his hat, trouble happened to him -

Along with the hat, his head came off.


I want everyone, seeing my appearance,

To avoid me...

Как-то некто на базар пришел,

К самой первой лавке подошел:

"Эй, продавец, ну-ка думай быстрей,

Какую выбрать одежду мне в лавке твоей.

Я по характеру злой, мое стремление - власть,

Во мне горячая кровь, во мне свирепая страсть.


Я хочу, чтоб видя облик мой,

Все меня обходили стороной,

Чтобы сразу понимали, кто я в душе такой".

Торговец понял - дело непростое.

Что бы это предложить такое?

"Я б не хотел тебя, приятель, обидеть,

Но такого как ты, да лучше б вовсе не видеть.

Я, кажется, знаю, что тебе подойдет,

Твой горячий характер каждый сразу поймет".


И старинный он сундук открыл,

Вынул шапку и проговорил:

"В свое время сам Великий Карл ее носил".

"То, что надо!" - злодей заулыбался.

Новой шапкой очень восхищался,

Шел он домой, воображал и гордился,

Перед зеркалом в спальне он весь вечер крутился.

Но когда снял он шапку, с ним случилась беда -

Вместе с шапкой снялась и его голова.


Я хочу, чтоб видя облик мой,

Все меня обходили стороной...

The song "The Villain and the Hat" by the band "Korol i Shut" is a satirical story about how external attributes of power do not make a person powerful.

The main character, wanting to inspire fear and awe, seeks an appropriate attire. He wants his appearance alone to scare people away, revealing his "evil" nature. The merchant, seeing in front of him a ridiculous customer, decides to play a trick and sells him "the hat of Charlemagne himself".

The villain, blinded by the imaginary power of the artifact, falls into the trap of his own ego. He admires himself, imagining how everyone will tremble before him. The culmination comes when, taking off his hat, he loses his head - both literally and figuratively.

The song ridicules the pursuit of outward grandeur and illusory power. True strength lies not in a frightening appearance, but in the ability to think critically and not succumb to self-deception. The hat in the song is a metaphor for things that people mistakenly endow with power and significance.

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