The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Life" (Jizn) the performer of the song "The King and the Jester"

Our children’s choir was ushered to the yard,

The rifle’s bolt clicked with a clang.

With the command "Fire!" how could you dare

Our beautiful conversation to truncate?


Life scattered like a slipper,

From the ceiling grows a noose…

That cursed noose!

The soul will be consumed by cannabis,

The body will be claimed by the earth.

Yesterday our lights suddenly went out,

Everyone broke into a dance.

The asylum danced, and under the table

Someone’s eye was being gouged out.


Life scattered like a slipper,

From the ceiling grows a noose…

That cursed noose!

The soul will be consumed by cannabis,

The body will be claimed by the earth.

Наш детский хор ввели во двор,

Лязгнул ружейный затвор.

Командой "Пли!" как вы могли

Наш прекратить разговор?


Жизнь разносилась как туфля,

Из потолка растет петля..

Проклятая петля!

Душу выпьет конопля,

Тело приберёт земля.

Вчера у нас вдруг свет погас,

Люди все кинулись в пляс.

Плясал дурдом, а под столом

Кто-то выдавливал глаз.


Жизнь разносилась как туфля,

Из потолка растет петля..

Проклятая петля!

Душу выпьет конопля,

Тело приберёт земля.

The lyrics of the song "Zhizn" (Life) by Korol i Shut paint a bleak and absurd picture of a world where violence, death, and hopelessness are commonplace.

The first verse immediately immerses us in an atmosphere of cruelty: a children's choir, a symbol of innocence, is met with a rifle bolt. The abrupt interruption of the "conversation" with the command "Fire!" can be interpreted as a metaphor for the violent suppression of freedom, youth, and the joy of life.

The chorus develops the theme of the fragility of existence. Life is compared to a "shoe" that is easily "worn out" - an image of fragility and transience. The motif of the noose growing from the ceiling symbolizes the inevitability of death hanging over everyone. The juxtaposition of "hemp will drink the soul, the earth will take the body" points to the dual nature of man, where both the spiritual ("soul") and the physical ("body") are doomed to destruction.

The second verse continues the theme of absurdity and chaos. The lights going out, symbolizing a loss of bearings and hope, leads to frantic merriment ("the madhouse danced"). The violent image of an eye being squeezed out under the table reinforces the sense of hopelessness and violence that reigns in this world.

The repetition of the chorus reinforces the sense of hopelessness and the inevitability of a tragic ending.

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