The meaning of the lyrics of the song "The Bully and the Soldier" (Zadira i soldat) the performer of the song "The King and the Jester"

He sat down at the table with a drunken soldier,

A bully from a shady bar,

"Well, soldier, show me your grenade!

Or maybe we can play Durak?"

"Soldiers don't visit us often!

They can't talk like you!

I think I've got you all figured out!

You're drunk and you're showing off!"


- And believe me, I can break anyone!

That's my harsh nature!

Maybe I don't understand something,

But my fist is always right!

The soldier glanced into his empty mug with annoyance,

"It's a pity my beer is gone!

I should find myself a girlfriend for the night,

But I need a lot of money for her!

You don't have to mess with me!

There's no point in seeing me as an enemy!

And I don't want to fight you,

My foot will just fly into your stomach!"


- And believe me, I can break anyone!

That's my harsh nature!

Maybe I don't understand something,

But my fist is always right!

The bully collapsed without a sound,

The soldier swayed, walking towards the exit,

"Yeah, life is shit! It's not a life, just boredom!

At least I found someone to talk to!"

Подсел за столик к пьяному солдату,

Задира из блатного кабака,

- "Ну что, солдатик, покажи гранату!

Иль, может быть, сыграем в дурака?"

- "Служивые гостят у нас нечасто!

Трепаться не умеют, как и ты!

С тобой, похоже, тоже мне все ясно!

Нажрался и колотишь тут понты!"


- А я, поверь, любого обломаю!

Такой вот у меня суровый нрав!

Быть может, я чего не понимаю,

Но мой кулак всегда бывает прав!

Солдат с досадой заглянул в пустую кружку,

- "Как жаль, что пиво кончилось мое!

Мне б на ночь раздобыть себе подружку,

Да много денег нужно на нее!

Тебе со мною незачем тягаться!

Нет смысла находить во мне врага!

И мне с тобой не хочется ругаться,

Лишь в твой живот влетит моя нога!"


- А я, поверь, любого обломаю!

Такой вот у меня суровый нрав!

Быть может, я чего не понимаю,

Но мой кулак всегда бывает прав!

Задира рухнул, не издав ни звука,

Солдат, качаясь, к выходу пошел,

- "Да, жизнь - дерьмо! Не жизнь, а просто скука!

Зато хоть собеседника нашел!"

The song "Bully and the Soldier" by the band "Korol i Shut" tells the story of a clash between two archetypes - a self-confident aggressor and a calm but strong defender.

Meaning of the lyrics:

The song ridicules the feigned bravado and stupidity of the bully who tries to humiliate and provoke the soldier. The bully is a typical representative of the "criminal" environment, for whom fists are the main argument in any dispute. He boasts of his strength and "harsh temper", not realizing that he is facing a fearless person.

The soldier, on the contrary, is the embodiment of calm strength and restraint. He does not give in to provocations, seeing in the bully only a drunken fool. His words that "soldiers ... do not know how to talk" emphasize the contrast between empty bravado and real strength. The soldier is not looking for conflict, but he is not afraid of it, making it clear that he can easily punish the insolent bully.

The climax of the song is the punch, after which the bully "collapsed without a sound". This moment demonstrates the futility of verbal threats in the face of real strength. The soldier, who did not enjoy the victory, only philosophically remarks: "Yes, life is shit! ... But at least I found someone to talk to!".


Bully: symbolizes stupidity, aggression aimed at self-assertion.

Soldier: represents strength, restraint, the ability to stand up for oneself without becoming an aggressor.

Main themes:

Confrontation between strength and aggression;

Importance of composure and common sense;

The meaninglessness of empty bravado;

The contrast between words and deeds.

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