The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Memory of a Past Love" (Vospominanie O Byiloy Lyubvi) the performer of the song "The King and the Jester"

Beyond the hills my gloomy castle sleeps,

The peace within its walls, my soul it keeps.

A tortured hero of fantasies untold,

Images of love, alive, I hold.


I often see fear in their eyes that gaze at me,

Destined to sleep within my walls eternally,

Frozen in my realms, their fate is sealed.

But my heart burns with love, my soul feels the yield,

The wax figures' beauty, a sight to behold,

Peace reigns supreme, a story to be told.

I brought them to my lovely dwelling place,

With wine I plied them, embraced their grace.

Sometimes a flicker of fear they would betray,

As my strong hands caressed their necks in play.


I often see fear in their eyes that gaze at me,

Destined to sleep within my walls eternally,

Frozen in my realms, their fate is sealed.

But my heart burns with love, my soul feels the yield,

The wax figures' beauty, a sight to behold,

Peace reigns supreme, a story to be told.

One brings me flowers, her gesture so sweet,

Another stands lost in dreams, her heart's retreat.

I tried to make them laugh until they died,

But like an ancient tale, I simply had to stifle their cries!


I often see fear in their eyes that gaze at me,

Destined to sleep within my walls eternally,

Frozen in my realms, their fate is sealed.

But my heart burns with love, my soul feels the yield,

The wax figures' beauty, a sight to behold,

Peace reigns supreme, a story to be told.

Дремлет за горой, мрачный замок мой.

Душу мучает порой, царящий в нем покой.

Я своих фантазий страждущий герой,

А любви моей живой все образы со мной.


Я часто вижу страх в смотрящих на меня глазах.

Им суждено уснуть в моих стенах,

Застыть в моих мирах.

Но сердце от любви горит, моя душа болит.

И восковых фигур прекрасен вид -

Покой везде царит!

Я их приводил в свой прекрасный дом.

Их вином поил и развлекались мы потом.

Иногда у них легкий был испуг,

От прикосновений к нежной шее крепких рук.


Я часто вижу страх в смотрящих на меня глазах.

Им суждено уснуть в моих стенах,

Застыть в моих мирах.

Но сердце от любви горит, моя душа болит.

И восковых фигур прекрасен вид -

Покой везде царит!

Вот несет одна мне свои цветы,

Вот стоит другая, погруженная в мечты.

Я пытался их до смерти рассмешить,

Но пришлось, как в старой сказке, просто задушить!


Я часто вижу страх в смотрящих на меня глазах.

Им суждено уснуть в моих стенах,

Застыть в моих мирах.

Но сердце от любви горит, моя душа болит.

И восковых фигур прекрасен вид -

Покой везде царит!

This song, "Memories of Past Love" by the band "Korol i Shut," tells the story of a tragic character doomed to loneliness because of his inability to love "normally."

His castle is a metaphor for his inner world, full of longing and melancholy. The lines "My gloomy castle sleeps beyond the mountain. The peace reigning within it torments my soul at times" convey the feeling of hopelessness and emptiness he experiences.

The hero yearns for love, but his vision of relationships is distorted and unhealthy. He craves complete possession and control over the object of his affection. "I brought them to my beautiful home... Sometimes they were slightly frightened by the touch of my strong hands on their delicate necks" – these lines hint at the manipulative nature of the hero and his tendency towards violence.

The images of wax figures symbolize a frozen, artificial beauty, incapable of responding to his feelings. He kills his beloveds to preserve their "perfection" in his eyes: "I tried to make them laugh to death, but I had to, like in an old fairy tale, simply strangle them!".

The chorus of the song is a cry from the soul of the hero, torn between the desire to love and the inability to build healthy relationships: "But my heart burns with love, my soul aches. And the wax figures look beautiful – peace reigns everywhere!". He is doomed to eternal loneliness, surrounded only by lifeless copies of his unfulfilled dreams.

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