The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Hairthief" (Voloskrad) the performer of the song "The King and the Jester"

Конечно, вот перевод текста без вступления:

The moon among the stars in the dark pasture wandered,

(The tavern was on the left, the forest stood like a wall on the right)

And from above she silently watched

The one who followed me everywhere I went.

In the empty tavern I sat silently at the table.

I smoked my tobacco and thought about my own things.

I looked out the window, began to admire the dark night,

I saw a wing - a man was lying on it.

There was a clap of thunder, and the wind, chasing the clouds,

Was playing in the field. The rain was pouring down.

And the one outside, lay without getting up,

Apparently his beer stupor had really knocked him out!

Deciding to help him, I went out into the bad weather

And was surprised - it was a hundred-year-old man!

He wheezed, spitting water from his mouth:

'I am like you! I am only thirty years old!'

He died, we laid him in the barn.

The innkeeper began to tell me about

How evil forces had put a curse on them,

Sending a messenger to them with horns and a tail.

'Hey, friend, what grief

Has befallen your land?

What evil is at large?'

I asked the innkeeper.


In the ominous mist he finds his victim.

He quietly creeps up behind you.

And watching as trouble befalls you,

He laughs wildly and sprays saliva!

'Life has become hard for us -

All the young people have disappeared!

Get out of here quickly!

You will only find death here.'


The innkeeper was not being unreasonable -

He, the bastard, served Satan!

Silently, the devil crept up behind me,

He grabbed my hair.

Hearing the devil's vile voice,

I gave him a good smack in the face!

But, losing every hair,

I was losing a year of my life!


Now I know - devils are full of ideas!

They gain their experience through cunning and deceit.

But it is worse for us when among people

They have accomplices!


Луна средь звезд на темном пастбище блуждала,

(Трактир был слева, справа лес стоял стеной)

И с высоты она безмолвно наблюдала за тем,

Кто всюду по пятам ходил за мной.

В пустом трактире за столом сидел я молча.

Курил махорку я и думал о своем.

Взглянул в окно, стал любоваться темной ночью,

Крыльцо увидел - человек лежал на нем.

Раздался гром, и ветер, тучи нагоняя,

Резвился в поле. Дождь струился проливной.

А тот, на улице, валялся не вставая,

Видать конкретно его хмель сразил пивной!

Решив помочь ему, я вышел в непогоду

И удивился - это был столетний дед!

Он прохрипел, из уст выплевывая воду:

"Я как и ты! Мне еще только тридцать лет!"

Он умер, мы его в сарае положили.

Трактирщик начал мне рассказывать о том,

Что силы зла на них проклятье наложили,

Прислав посланца к ним с рогами и хвостом.

"Эй, друг, что за горе

Постигло ваши края?

Что за зло на воле?"

Спросил трактирщика я.


В зловещем тумане он жертву находит.

Он тихо крадется у вас за спиной.

И глядя, как с вами беда происходит,

Он дико смеется и брызжет слюной!

"Жить нам стало худо -

Исчезла вся молодежь!

Уезжай скорее отсюда!

Ты здесь лишь гибель найдешь."


Не зря трактирщик распинался -

Он, гад, служил сатане!

Сзади тихо черт подкрался,

Вцепился в волосы мне.

Услышав черта мерзкий голос,

Ему с размаху в рыло дал!

Но, теряя каждый волос,

Год жизни я терял!


Теперь я знаю - у чертей полно идей!

Коварством, хитростью свой опыт добывают.

Но хуже нам, когда среди людей

У них сообщники бывают!

The song "Voloskrad" (Hairthief) by the band "Korol i Shut" (The King and the Jester) tells the story of a lyrical hero's encounter with a demonic entity that drains life force. The text is filled with mysticism and allegory.

The meaning of the lyrics:

1. The Confrontation between Good and Evil: The lyrical hero accidentally encounters a manifestation of evil in the form of a mysterious creature (the Hairthief) and his accomplice – the innkeeper.

2. Cunning and Deception: The Hairthief acts with cunning, disguising itself as an old man and evoking pity. The innkeeper, serving evil, pretends to be benevolent, luring the hero into a trap.

3. The Price of Help: The desire to help the old man turns into trouble for the hero. He loses years of his life, giving them away for every hair pulled out.

4. Betrayal: The image of the innkeeper is an allegory for betrayal. Outwardly friendly, he serves evil, luring victims into a trap.

5. Struggle and its Consequences: The hero does not give up, engaging in a battle with evil, but pays for it with his own life force.

6. Warning: The lyrics of the song serve as a warning that evil is insidious, and appearances are deceptive.

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