The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Hobbit Wine" (Vino Hobbitov) the performer of the song "The King and the Jester"

No one knew

There'd be a feast that day.

But everyone came anyway,

Who was not too lazy to play.

For that's the village way -

Make merry while you may!

And even the goblin with a beard

Came down from the hills, it appeared!


They sang songs till dawn,

And danced the pogo too!

Everyone poured more wine,

Never tiring, it's true.

It had a curious taste,

But people didn't seem to care -

Without a fuss,

They drank their fill, and roamed the square!

What does it matter what you drink -

Pour yourself and a friend a cup!

The more you manage to sink,

The more fun you'll drum up!


Only the goblin, like a log,

Fell down flat with a groan,

Learning that the hobbits' grog

Was brewed from EGGS alone!


For common folk

Will drink whatever they can get,

As long as it gives their mind a poke,

Even just a little, I bet!

They'll all come to the feast,

Any excuse will do.

"Free vinegar is the sweetest!"

Someone once said, it's true.

The hobbits came to town

And brought their wine with them.

The village elder, with a frown,

Then gave the feast his solemn nod.

Their arrival hid a plan,

A simple one, it's true:

"We'll bring the people all this wine -

And they'll give us honey in return, it's due!"

Никто не знал,

Что будет праздник в этот день.

Но, все равно, явились все,

Кому не лень.

Уж так в деревне повелось -

Резвись, коль выпить удалось!

И даже гоблин-борода

С холмов пришел сюда!


Пели песни до утра,

Пого танцевали!

Каждый наливал вина,

Пить не уставали.

Был странный вкус,

Но людям было наплевать -

Не дуя в ус

Напились, и давай гулять!

Какая разница, что пьешь -

Себе и ближнему налей!

Чем больше в рот себе вольешь,

Тем будет веселей!


И только гоблин, как бревно,

Упал и распростерся ниц,

Узнав, что хоббиты вино

Варили из ЯИЦ!


Ведь простой народ

Что попало пьет,

Если это, хоть немного,

По мозгам дает.

Все придут на пир,

Лишь бы повод был.

"Сладок уксус на халяву!",-

Кто-то говорил.

В деревню хоббиты пришли

И принесли вино.

И местный староста тогда

На праздник дал добро.

В их появлении был скрыт

Бесхитростный расчет:

"Мы людям принесем вино -

Они же нам дадут за это мед!"

The song "Hobbit Wine" by the band "Korol i Shut" tells a humorous story about a village festival where the main treat was an unusual wine. Amid cheerful songs and dances, the villagers don't notice the strange taste of the drink, because the main thing is fun and the opportunity to drink. Even a goblin who came down from the hills joins in the general merriment.

However, the denouement comes when the goblin, having drunk more than anyone else, collapses unconscious, learning a terrible secret: the wine was made by hobbits from eggs. This unexpected twist adds comedy to the song and mocks people's indiscrimination in food and drink, especially during a celebration.

The song also touches on the themes of hypocrisy and self-interest. The hobbits who brought the wine acted out of self-interest, hoping to trade the drink for honey. In turn, the villagers, despite the strange taste of the wine, gladly drank it, guided by the principle of "free stuff."

Thus, the song "Hobbit Wine" is a satirical depiction of human weaknesses, the thirst for freebies, and unscrupulousness in achieving goals, disguised as fun and celebration.

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