The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Faithful Wife" (Vernaya Jena) the performer of the song "The King and the Jester"

On a rainy night, a guy emerged from the forest

And suddenly saw a lonely hut.

"I hope I can find shelter there until morning,

I'm terribly hungry and very tired."

A decrepit old woman opened the door to the wanderer,

Let him into the house and didn't ask anything.

She changed his clothes, fed him a very hearty meal,

And made a bed for him on the stove.

As soon as the guy closed his eyes,

A groan came from the basement.

"Tell me, grandma, what's that noise?" -

He suddenly turned to the old woman.

And she replied:

"That's my late husband down there,

His spirit lives on

And sings at night."


"Hey-ey - he was a villain,

Hey-ey - he hurt people,

Hey-ey - he got what he deserved."

"I can't listen anymore, granny, to this eerie moan.

I'll go and chase him away, whoever he is!!!"

As soon as the guy climbed into the basement,

The old woman closed the door behind him:

"Oh, what a brave soul we have here,

Come on, old man, we have guests.

So many of you roam the woods,

Each one eager to stick their nose in my basement."


"Hey-ey - a moment passes,

Hey-ey - the old man is strong,

Hey-ey - it's your own fault."

A death cry rang out, followed by the old man's gruesome chewing.

The old woman went to the window and turned off the light.

Though she was the one who ruined him, condemning him to torment,

Let everyone know that his wife is still faithful to him. Faithful.


Дождливой ночью парень, выбравшись из леса

Вдруг одинокую избушку увидал.

"Надеюсь, там мне до утра найдется место,

Я страшно голоден и очень уж устал".

Старуха дряхлая скитальцу дверь открыла,

Пустила в дом и не спросила ничего.

Переодела, очень сытно накормила,

Постель на печке разложила для него.

Только парень глаза сомкнул,

Как из подвала раздался стон.

"Скажи мне бабушка, что за шум?" -

Вдруг обратился к старухе он.

А она в ответ:

"Там мой покойный дед,

Там дух его живет

И по ночам поет,


Э-э-эй - он был злодей,

Э-э-эй - он бил людей,

Э-э-эй - он получил сполна".

"Не могу я больше слушать, бабка, этот жуткий стон.

Я пойду и прогоню его, да кто бы ни был он!!!"

Только парень в подвал залез -

За ним старуха закрыла дверь:

"Ого, нашелся какой храбрец,

А ну-ка, дед, принимай гостей.

Сколько вас таких, ходит по лесам,

Каждый норовит нос сунуть в мой подвал".


Э-э-эй - проходит миг,

Э-э-эй - силен старик

Э-э-эй - сам виноват.

И раздался крик предсмертный и зачавкал страшный дед,

А старуха подошла к окну и выключила свет.

Хоть сама его сгубила и на муки обрекла,

Но пусть знают, что жена ему по-прежнему верна. Верна.


The song "Faithful Wife" by the band Korol i Shut tells the story of a seemingly kind old woman who gives shelter to a weary traveler. However, a sinister secret lurks beneath the mask of hospitality.

The old woman lures the young man into a trap, exploiting his compassion and desire to help. She tells him about her "groaning" husband locked in the basement, portraying him as a villain who "got what he deserved." The young man, full of noble intentions, decides to deal with the "ghost," unaware of what awaits him.

In reality, the "husband" turns out to be the old woman's prisoner, and the groans are cries for help. The old woman coldly sends the young man to his death, demonstrating her cruelty and cunning.

The chorus of the song, changing throughout the story, reveals the true nature of what is happening: first describing the "atrocities" of the husband, and then – the triumph of the old woman and the inevitability of reprisal against the naive traveler.

The ending of the song is imbued with dark irony. The old woman, although she "destroyed" her husband and condemned him to torment, remains "faithful" to him in her own perverse understanding. She coldly kills anyone who dares to poke their nose into her life, protecting her dark secret. The song leaves an oppressive feeling of anxiety and makes you wonder if appearances can be deceiving and kindness may be just a mask.

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