The meaning of the lyrics of the song "To Paris Home" (V Parij Domoy) the performer of the song "The King and the Jester"

I whisper to myself:

"Admit it, Count,

That your friend

Was right that night.

When, inhaling

The tobacco smoke,

He said he knew

You, Count, as different."

Indeed, my friend, what can I say,

I won't hide the truth from you,

Everything's so strange...

You can't command the heart, my friend,

Sometimes I don't recognize myself,

I don't recognize myself.

Again the wolves howl at the moon,

I believe in return, like a dream.

Again into the tent

The moon gazes,

Pour, my friend,

More wine.

God willing, we'll manage

In foreign lands,

We, my friend, won't fall

In fierce battles.

My heart has accumulated

Hundreds of signs that I'm in love

With this girl...

Everything that was between us,

I'll remember even at the abyss's edge,

I'm not joking.

Again the wolves howl at the moon,

I believe in return, like a dream.

I drown my sorrow in wine,

In this exile, in a foreign war.

We'll break through, break through, break through,

My friend, I'm with you,

We'll return, return, return,

To Paris, home.

Себе шепну:

«Признайтесь, граф,

В том, что ваш друг

В ту ночь был прав.

Когда вдыхая

Табачный дым

Сказал, что знал

Вас, граф, другим».

Право, друг мой, что тут скажешь,

Правды я от вас не утаю,

Всё как-то странно...

Сердцу, друг мой, не прикажешь

Сам себя порой не узнаю,

Я не узнаю.

Снова волки воют на луну

В возвращенье верю, как в мечту.

Опять в шатёр

Глядит луна

Налейте, друг,

Ещё вина.

Даст Бог, удастся

В чужих краях

Нам, друг, не пасть

В лихих боях.

Моё сердце накопило

Сотни признаков, что я люблю

Девушку эту...

Всё, что между нами было,

И у бездны вспомню на краю

Я не шучу.

Снова волки воют на луну

В возвращенье верю, как в мечту.

Я топлю тоску свою в вине

В этой ссылке на чужой войне.

Прорвёмся, прорвёмся, прорвёмся,

Мой друг с тобой,

Вернёмся, вернёмся, вернёмся,

В Париж домой.

The song "Back to Paris" by the band Korol i Shut (The King and the Jester) tells the story of a man languishing in a foreign war, possibly a mercenary. The lyrics weave together motifs of nostalgia, love, and hope for return.

The first verses: The lyrical hero addresses his interlocutor, probably a comrade-in-arms, reminding him of the words of a certain friend who "knew the count differently". This indicates that the hero has undergone an inner transformation, finding himself far from home.

"Indeed, my friend, what can I say..." - the hero admits his changed essence, he doesn't recognize himself. The howling of the wolf at the moon becomes a symbol of homesickness, and wine is a way to drown out mental pain.

"Again the moon is looking into the tent..." - in these lines, the hero again turns to his friend, asking him to pour some wine and expressing hope for a successful outcome of the war and a return home.

"My heart has accumulated hundreds of signs that I love..." - a new theme appears - love for a girl who remained at home. This feeling gives the hero strength and hope, he is ready to "remember at the abyss" about his love.

The final lines: The motif of the wolf's howl is repeated, symbolizing longing, and there is a passionate desire to return to Paris, which is perhaps a metaphor for home and a peaceful life.

In general, the song "Back to Paris" conveys the complex feelings of a person who is far from home, in an atmosphere of war and uncertainty. Love, longing, hope, and a thirst for return are the main motives of this work.

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