The meaning of the lyrics of the song "At the Neighbor's Place" (V Gostyah u Soseda) the performer of the song "The King and the Jester"

I wandered home at night,

A bit tipsy, I must say,

Peace all around,

Not a soul in the village this day.

Then I saw him

My neighbor, in the moon's soft light.

He was limping slightly,

Hurrying towards me through the night.

I didn't know him

Had never been to his abode.

But then, with a smile,

He invited me inside, down the road.

Everything from his garden,

He'd picked along the way,

He laid it on the table,

And brought out a bitter brew, they say.

From his strong concoction,

I got completely drunk, you see,

And the host himself,

Turned blue as a corpse, suddenly.

And when we stepped outside,

To breathe in the fresh air on the porch,

Hair suddenly sprouted,

All over his face, like a torch.


Oh, my silly head!

My drunken, foolish head,

I love you so!

And the neighbor keeps pouring,

On the sly, you know,

And I drink it all, flow after flow.

At this sight,

I sobered up in a flash,

And saw a completely different,

Picture, in a dash:

Somewhere, deep in the woods,

Among the pines I did reside,

Holding a pine cone,

Instead of a glass, by my side.


Oh, my silly head!

My drunken, foolish head,

I love you so!

And the neighbor keeps pouring,

On the sly, you know,

And I drink it all, flow after flow.

The scoundrel had been stuffing,

Me with devilish fare;

Fed me toadstools,

Made me drink swamp water, I swear.

The devil, under the influence,

Had warped my reality,

Mocked me thoroughly,

Would have killed me, had he caught me.

Брёл в ночи домой я,

Был слегка навеселе,

А вокруг спокойно,

Ни души во всём селе.

Тут-то и увидел

Я соседа при луне.

Он слегка прихрамывал,

Спеша навстречу мне.

Я его не знал

и в его доме не бывал.

Тут он, улыбаясь,

Вдруг к себе меня позвал.

Всё, что в огороде,

По пути сосед нарвал,

Выложил на стол,

Настойку горькую достал.

От его настойки

Я конкретно захмелел,

Да и сам хозяин,

Как покойник, посинел.

А когда мы вышли

Подышать с ним на крыльцо,

Волосами вдруг покрылось

Всё его лицо.


Эх, башка дурная!

Пьяная моя башка,

Тебя люблю!

И всё наливает

Сосед исподтишка,

А я всё пью.

От такого зрелища

Я мигом протрезвел,

И совсем иную я

Картину тут узрел:

Где-то, в чаще леса

Между сосен я сижу,

Шишку вместо стопки

Возле рта держу.


Эх, башка дурная!

Пьяная моя башка,

Тебя люблю!

И всё наливает

Сосед исподтишка,

А я всё пью.

Пичкал негодяй

Меня бесовскою едой;

Накормил поганкой,

Напоил болотною водой.

Чёрт под пьяный глаз мне

всю реальность подменил,

Поглумился надо мной,

Догнал бы, так убил!

The song "Visiting the Neighbor" by the Russian band "Korol i Shut" tells the story of a lyrical hero's encounter with a mysterious and sinister neighbor, which turns into a frightening mystical experience.

The plot unfolds as follows:

Meeting a stranger: A drunken hero wanders through an empty village at night and meets a limping neighbor he has never seen before. The neighbor invites him to his house.

Feast and strangeness: The stranger treats the hero to a generous dinner of vegetables "from the garden" and strong liquor. The host's behavior is strange, he turns blue as a corpse.

Transformation and realization: On the porch with the neighbor, a frightening transformation takes place – his face becomes covered with hair. The hero instantly sobers up and realizes that he is not in the house, but in the forest, and in his hands is not a shot glass, but a pine cone.

The realization of deception: The lyrical hero realizes that he has become a victim of evil spirits that took on the guise of a neighbor and intoxicated him with a potion, replacing reality. He is full of anger and a desire for revenge.

The meaning of the song:

The danger of illusions: The song is an allegory for the deceptiveness of perception, especially in a state of intoxication. The hero, drugged with a drink, does not notice the oddities in the neighbor's behavior and becomes a victim of his own gullibility.

The proximity of the otherworldly: The track creates an atmosphere of mystical horror, hinting at the proximity of the other world, which can be hidden behind the ordinary.

Inner demons: The image of a "neighbor" can be interpreted as a metaphor for inner demons that tempt a person, leading them away from reality.

"Oh, stupid head! My drunken head..." - the chorus emphasizes the state of the hero, who is unable to resist deception and temptations.

The song "Visiting the Neighbor" is a vivid example of the work of the band "Korol i Shut", combining elements of folk, rock and mysticism, creating a unique atmosphere and making you think about the fragility of reality.

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