The meaning of the lyrics of the song "The Thirteenth Wound" (Trinadcataya Rana) the performer of the song "The King and the Jester"

Fifth in cm, nickname Makhno.

Don't let me fall asleep, my sleep is troubled.

Sly as a fox, how many souls did he destroy?

He almost washed himself in the blood of his enemies.

The Bolshevik is a fool - I laugh in his face,

I don't pray to God on four sides.

You know, twenty wounds in the body don't hurt,

Only the thirteenth hurts, the one in my heart.

I hid the gold from the Bolsheviks,

A poor emigrant in France, I was dying.

Freedom or death, mother anarchy,

The black color of the flag is my land!

In 'Stroll the Field', life has become cheaper,

It's easier to kill than to be afraid of death.

He was alone, they feared him like Satan!

The betrayal of the Reds, the army defeated,

The two-headed snake shows its tail,

Latin letters, Arabic numerals,

Grave number - six-six-eight-six!

I don't pray to God on four sides!

П'ятий у см', прзвисько Махно.

Не да заснути, мй турбу сон.

Хитрий як лиса, скльки душ згубив?

Мало не вмивався кров'ю ворогв.

Бльшовик - дурак, - я в лице смюсь,

На чотири сторони Богу не молюсь.

Знаш, двадцять ран в тл не болять,

Лиш болить тринадцята, що в серц у мене.

Вд бльшовикв золото сховав,

Нищим емрантом у Франц вмирав.

Воля або смерть, мать-анархя,

Чорний колр прапору - то моя земля!

У "Гуляй Полi" подешевiло життя

Вбивати легше, нiж боятися смертi

Вон один, боялись його наче Сатани!

Зрада червоних, розбите вiйсько,

Дворова змiя показу хвiст,

Латинськi букви, арабськi цифри

Могили номер - шicть-шicть-вiсiм-шicть!

На чотири сторони Богу не молюсь!

The song "The Thirteenth Wound" by the band "Korol i Shut" tells the story of the last days of Nestor Makhno, the famous leader of the anarchist movement during the Russian Civil War. The line "П'ятий у см', прзвисько Махно" refers to his height - five feet (about 152 cm) - and the nickname by which he went down in history.

The lyrics are filled with bitterness and despair of a man who has known betrayal and defeat. Makhno, once formidable and elusive, "хитрый як лиса" (cunning as a fox), is now forced to hide, tormented by memories of the past and the "thirteenth wound" - a metaphor for mental pain that torments him more than any physical injury.

The image of Makhno in the song is contradictory: on the one hand, he is a ruthless warrior, "мало не вмивався кров'ю ворогв" (almost bathed in the blood of enemies), an atheist who denies any authority ("На чотири сторони Богу не молюсь" - I don't pray to God in any direction), on the other - a tragic hero betrayed by his own comrades-in-arms ("Зрада червоних" - betrayal of the Reds), forced to die in poverty in a foreign land ("Нищим емрантом у Франц вмирав" - died a pauper emigrant in France).

"The Thirteenth Wound" is not just a song about Makhno, it is a reflection on the price of freedom, the cruelty of war, the transience of glory and the inevitability of death.

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