The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Dark Teacher" (Tyomnyiy Uchitel) the performer of the song "The King and the Jester"

Power was not given by law!

A member of a dark race,

He did dirty deeds

With a vicious grimace in the gloom.

Like those who were

The scourge of his unhappy fate,

He also drank the blood of others,

Losing himself in passionate thirst.

Scarlet pupils sparkle,

And people are like targets in a shooting range.

Newcomers don't understand,

That they are creatures in this world.

Instilling only nightmare in mortals,

They are prone to unseemly manners,

Passing on the great gift

Only to the most unworthy.

I don't remember that life, it's all a blur,

And sometimes I like it.

From now on, being an outcast is not an option,

My students are everywhere with me.

And if my experience

Will help someone,

Then the day will not be lived in vain.


Now everything is fine - a different era,

And the nature of the ancient family has changed,

Only the appearance of the firmament cannot be changed by centuries!

The time of the great vampires has passed,

But the scarlet sun has risen again.

The traitor has not been caught! And all the rabble

Disgraces our worthy ancient family.

Now every little one

He scares with fangs,

He lets others into the secret.

You all have to

Friends, understand:

The way of the sighted is to let people live,

The lot of the blind is to kill!

Не по закону власть дана!

Как представитель темной расы,

Творил он грязные дела

Со злобной в сумраке гримасой.Уподобляясь тем, кто был

Бичом судьбы его несчастной,

Он так же кровь чужую пил,

Себя утратив в жажде страстной.Сверкают алые зрачки,

И люди - как мишени в тире.

Не понимают новички,

Что они - твари в этом мире.Внушая смертным лишь кошмар,

К манерам склонны непристойным,

Передают великий дар

Лишь в высшей мере недостойным.

Той жизни не помню, все как во мгле,

И это порою нравится мне.

Отныне изгоем быть не с руки,

Повсюду со мною ученики.

И если мой опыт

Кому-то поможет,

То день не зря будет прожит.


Сейчас все неплохо - другая эпоха,

И древнего рода менялась природа,

Лишь вид небосвода столетиям не изменить!

Великих вампиров время прошло,

Но алое солнце снова взошло.

Предатель не пойман! И всякий сброд

Порочит достойный древний наш род.

Теперь каждый малый

Клыками стращает,

В тайну других посвящает.

Всем предстоит вас,

Друзья, понять:

Путь зрячих - Людям жить давать,

Участь слепых - убивать!

The song "Dark Teacher" by the band "Korol i Shut" tells the story of a vampire, rejected by his kind and becoming an outcast. The lyrical hero, once a victim of circumstances, became like his tormentors, choosing the path of darkness and violence. He enjoys his power and impunity, considering people as mere "targets in a shooting range" and "creatures." The hero finds solace in teaching new vampires, passing on to them the "great gift" and his cynical view of the world.

Several key themes can be traced in the lyrics:

The Cyclicity of Evil: The lyrical hero, himself once affected by cruelty, continues the chain of violence, turning others into his own kind.

Rejection and Loneliness: Having become an outcast in his kind, the hero seeks followers, striving to share the burden of his existence with them.

Contradiction of Nature: Despite the cruelty and contempt for people, the hero experiences echoes of former morality, finding satisfaction in the fact that his "experience will help someone."

Degradation of the Vampire Race: The song raises the problem of the decline of the "ancient race," where "every little one frightens with fangs" and betrays the true values of vampires.

"Dark Teacher" is not just a song about vampires, it is a philosophical parable about the nature of evil, the price of freedom and the burden of choice. It makes you wonder how easy it is to cross the line separating the victim from the executioner, and what consequences the path of darkness entails.

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