The meaning of the lyrics of the song "She Who Watches from the Pond" (Ta, chto smotrit iz pruda) the performer of the song "The King and the Jester"

An artist sat by the pond,

Yearning for something of his own,

He ran his hand across the water,

Watching the sunrise glow.

Suddenly in the water clear,

The artist saw a face.

"Who are you?" - a little startled,

He whispered in that place.


But he heard no words in reply,

Only his soul began to play:

In that face, he recognized her,

The one he needed so much today.

She's the only one he needs,

The one who looks from the pond, indeed.

And the mermaid, with a gentle touch,

Took the artist by the hand,

Captivating him with her gaze,

She led him underwater to her land.

And the artist sank to the bottom,

Plunging into an eternal sleep.

And the mermaid cried in sorrow:

"Oh, why did he have to sleep so deep?"

У пруда сидел художник,

Тосковал о чём-то своём,

По воде водил ладонью,

Наблюдал, как солнце встаёт.

Вдруг лицо в воде прозрачной

Тот художник увидал.

"Кто ты?" - несколько смутившись,

он тихонько прошептал.


Но он в ответ не услышал слов,

Лишь заиграла его душа:

В этом лице он узнал её,

Ту, что так сильно ему нужна.

Лишь она ему нужна,

Та, что смотрит из пруда.

И художника русалка

Нежно за руку взяла,

Одурманив его взглядом,

Вдруг под воду увела.

И упал на дно художник,

Погрузившись в вечный сон.

И заплакала русалка:

"Ах, зачем же умер он?"

The song "The One Who Stares from the Pond" by Korol i Shut tells a tragic story of an artist who falls victim to his own illusions and longing.

Consumed by grief and loneliness, the artist seeks solace by the pond. In the reflection of the water, he sees a beautiful face, which he mistakes for his ideal lover, "the one he needs so badly."

It's important to note that the lyrics don't provide a definitive answer as to whether the vision is real or a figment of the artist's imagination. On the one hand, the mermaid "gently took the hero's hand," on the other, she "cries" after he "fell to the bottom."

Most likely, the image of the mermaid symbolizes a dream, an unrealized desire that both beckoned the artist and led to his demise. He was so absorbed in his vision that he ceased to distinguish between reality and illusion.

Ultimately, the song leaves a haunting feeling of hopelessness and serves as a reminder of the dangers of succumbing to one's deepest desires without considering the consequences.

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