The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Meeting" (Sobranie) the performer of the song "The King and the Jester"

Gathered by the oak,

Old friends unite.

Dishes clatter in the wood,

A feast takes flight.

A table vast, already laid,

A pig, roasted to perfection.

A noble troll brings forth, unafraid,

A keg of ale, a fine selection.

From ancient times, as is the way,

Once a year, these friends convene.

Oh, how many gather here today!

A wondrous, fairy tale scene.

The king sits opposite the forester bold,

The jester stands by the forester's side.

While nearby gnomes, their stories unfold,

Of mountains high, with voices that glide.

Stories, stories they will share,

Each guest who's gathered near.

For such is the law, beyond compare,

The Prince's will, crystal clear!

No fool is found amongst this band,

Who wouldn't raise a glass of ale!

And, with a clinking sound so grand,

These ancient friends, their spirits exhale.

And, leaning on a staff of gold so bright,

In the guise of evil's might,

Stands Nobody and None at all,

Stands Russia's Prince, the sorcerer's call,


My book now closed, the forest fades from view,

But still, I hear the rustling leaves so green,

And ancient friends, their songs forever new,

A magical and timeless, vibrant scene.

Собралися у дуба

Старинные друзья.

Гремит в лесу посуда,

Готовится стряпня.

Уже накрыт огромный стол,

Зажарен чудный поросенок.

И славный тролль несет

Добротного пивца бочонок.

С древних лет, как повелось,

Друзья встречаются раз в год.

Ох, сколько их здесь собралось!

Гуляет сказочный народ.

Король сидит напротив лесника,

Лесник - по правое плечо шута.

А рядом гномы не скучают -

Про горы песни напевают.

Истории, истории

Расскажут, расскажут вам,

Каждый, кто пришел сюда.

Таков закон собрания,

И воля Князя такова!

Здесь не найдется дурака,

Кто не нальет себе пивка!

И, кружками гремя,

Напьются старые друзья.

И, опершись на златую трость,

В обличье всей нечистой силы,

Стоит Никто и Никакой,

Стоит Российский

Князь-колдун Василий!

Закрылась книга у меня,

И лес пропал куда-то.

Но слышу, как шумит листва,

И как поют старинные друзья...

The song "Собрание" (The Gathering) by the band "Король и Шут" (King and Jester) depicts a magical meeting of fairy tale creatures. In a dense forest, under the canopy of an old oak tree, friends gather once a year: trolls, gnomes, a wood goblin, a jester, and Prince-Sorcerer Vasily himself, who embodies evil spirits. The celebration is full of fun, treats, and songs. The atmosphere of joy and unity is emphasized by the description of a bountiful table, the clinking of mugs, and the friendly singing of the gnomes.

This gathering is not just a feast; it is an ancient tradition established by the Prince, where each guest shares their story. These stories likely reflect the wisdom of the ages, fairy tale experiences, and incredible adventures. The ending of the song transports the listener from the world of fantasy to reality. The book closes, the forest disappears, but the echo of the magical meeting, the rustling of leaves, and the songs of old friends continue to sound in the imagination.

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