The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Funny Advice" (Smeschnoy Sovet) the performer of the song "The King and the Jester"

A hundred-year-old jester

Grabbed his grandson by the shoulders:

'Remember, you rogue,

Life's a funny thing!

When trouble finds you

In the flow of days,

Laugh then –

And it will all pass!'

The jester was dying,

Trying to smile,

He kept repeating:

'Learn to laugh, my boy!

Everyone has problems,

But it's all nonsense!

A cheerful, ringing laugh –

And there's no grief!

The boy jumped up,

And, following the advice,

Began to laugh foolishly –

As if he had no mind!

At these sounds, the grandfather

Hurried off to the other world,

Leaving on earth

The funny advice.

Столетний шут

Схватил за плечи внука:

"Запомни, плут,

Что жизнь смешная штука!

Когда тебя беда

В потоке дней найдет,

Засмейся ты тогда -

И все пройдет!"

Шут умирал,

Пытаясь улыбаться,

Все повторял:

"Учись, малыш, смеяться!

Проблемы есть у всех,

Но это полный бред!

Веселый звонкий смех -

И горя нет!

Вскочил пацан,

И, следуя совету,

Смеяться глупо стал -

Ума как будто нету!

От этих звуков дед

Умчался на тот свет,

Оставив на земле

Смешной совет.

The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Funny Advice" by the band "Korol i Shut" lies in the ironic depiction of a superficial attitude towards life's difficulties.

The main idea is to ridicule naive optimism and a simplistic view of complex things. The author shows that laughter is not always a solution to problems.

Let's take a closer look:

The Image of the Old Jester: The jester, who has entertained others all his life, tries to pass on his main "lesson" before his death - to laugh at troubles. However, he himself dies trying to smile, which creates a tragicomic effect.

Advice to the Grandson: The advice "learn to laugh" sounds ridiculous and even cruel in the context of death. After all, laughter cannot solve problems, but only mask them for a while.

The Grandson's Behavior: The boy, following his grandfather's advice, begins to laugh foolishly at everything, which further emphasizes the absurdity of the situation. He does not understand the depth of life's problems and takes the advice literally.

The Ending: The grandfather dies, leaving behind "funny advice." This phrase takes on a double meaning: the advice is really funny in its naivety, but also tragic, as it helped neither the jester nor his grandson.

Thus, the song "Funny Advice" is not a call for mindless fun, but rather a satirical reflection on the complexity of life and the inability of simple recipes to solve all problems.

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