The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Funny Gun" (Smeschnoy Pistolet) the performer of the song "The King and the Jester"

I've got a knack for mischief, it's true,

A shameless rogue, that's me!

This lovely flower, fresh and new,

Was plucked by my hand, you see.

- Enough, Elizabeth, damn it all!

My love confession, I recall,

Wasn't for your hand in marriage,

But a bet, a mere carriage.

Again, my latest escapade

Seeks its target, unafraid!

Laughter and tears, my tricks ignite,

With me, madam, days are bright!

So let's dance, without a care,

Hey! Hey! Hey!

Innkeeper, bring us ale to share!

Though you're a treasure, I confess,

I need nothing, nothing less.

To you, my beauty, I'm a shade,

A phantom, nothing more, I'm afraid.

Dishonored you? Absurd, my dear!

Come now, Elizabeth, make it clear!

You enjoyed it, don't deny!

Don't even try to justify!

Again, my latest escapade

Seeks its target, unafraid!

Laughter and tears, my tricks ignite,

With me, madam, days are bright!

So let's dance, without a care,

Hey! Hey! Hey!

Innkeeper, bring us ale to share!

Yes, this wager means more to me than you!

My sympathies, but "c'est la vie!"

What's that in your hand, let me see?

A lady's pistol, oh my!

В шалостях свой имею почерк,

Да, я бессовестный такой!

Этот прелестнейший цветочек

Сорван был опытной рукой.

- Полно, Элизабет, чёрт побери!

Я Вам признавался в любви

Не ради вашей руки,

А только лишь из-за пари.

Снова мой очередной

Выпад ищет цель!

Смех да слёзы от моих затей.

Вам, сударыня со мной

Будет веселей!

Так давайте спляшем же скорей!

Хей! Хей! Хей!

А трактирщик, пива нам налей!

Хоть Вы и ценная находка,

Но мне не нужно ничего.

И я для Вас, моя красотка,

Призрак, не более того.

Я обесчестил Вас? Истинный бред!

Опомнитесь, Элизабет!

Вам же понравилось всё!

Не говорите что нет!

Снова мой очередной

Выпад ищет цель!

Смех да слёзы от моих затей.

Вам, сударыня, со мной

Будет веселей!

Так давайте, спляшем же скорей!

Хей! Хей! Хей!

А трактирщик, пива нам налей!

Да! Мне важней, чем Вы - это пари!

Сочувствую, но «се ля ви!»

Что в вашей руке за предмет?

Дамский смешной пистолет!

The lyrics of the song "Funny Pistol" by "Korol i Shut" tell the story of a cynical protagonist bragging about his "victory" over a girl named Elizabeth. He confesses that he courted her on a dare, not out of genuine feelings. He is only interested in his own amusement and entertainment, and he enjoys inflicting pain and disappointment.

The protagonist is most likely of noble origin, as evidenced by his manner of speech and his addressing the girl as "Вы" (formal "you" in Russian). He calls Elizabeth a "valuable find" but immediately devalues her by declaring that she is "nothing" to him and he is only a "ghost" to her. He feels no remorse for the pain he has caused; on the contrary, he mocks Elizabeth's feelings.

The phrase "Funny little lady's pistol" sounds like bitter irony. The protagonist is most likely referring to a small pistol that is unlikely to cause any serious harm. Thus, he once again emphasizes his dismissive attitude towards the girl and her attempts to defend her honor.

The song vividly depicts the image of a selfish and heartless rake for whom the feelings of others are nothing more than a toy.

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