The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Santa Claus" (Santa Klaus) the performer of the song "The King and the Jester"

The world outside's a fairy tale, it seems;

Night, and snowdrifts, and the frost.

By the stove, the cat's eyes softly gleam,

What has Santa brought us? At what cost?

From his canvas sack, a pungent smell,

Burning nostrils, acrid, out of place,

An awful stench, it quite begets a spell,

Grandpa must have had a little taste!

Santa Claus is on the doorstep now!

Christmas spirit, everlasting, true!

May all chaos disappear somehow,

People crave a bit of magic, too!

He snarls and bares his teeth in a display,

A brute disguised in a kind disguise,

No gifts for us from him this holiday,

Let's bid the old man goodbye: "Goodbyes!"

But Santa doesn't budge, he doesn't go,

Stares with malice at the people there,

Eyes darting, searching to and fro,

Who's incurred his wrath? It's beyond compare!

What a fright!

A fearsome sight!

Santa Claus is on the doorstep now!

Christmas spirit, everlasting, true!

May all chaos disappear somehow,

People crave a bit of magic, too!

Firecrackers spent by morning light,

Newspapers tell a dreadful story, it's true -

A ghoul in Santa suit, what a fright,

Shot dead by a man of culture, through and through!

За окном всё будто в сказке;

Ночь, сугробы и мороз.

Кот у печки щурит глазки,

Что же Санта нам принёс?

Только пахнет как-то скверно

Из холщёвого мешка,

Щиплет нос неимоверно

От превратного душка,


Пьян, наверно!

На пороге Санта Клаус!

Вечный символ рождества!

Пусть навеки сгинет хаос,

Люди просят волшебства!

Он рычит и зубы скалит -

Хам в костюме добряка.

И подарки нам не дарит,

Скажем дедушке: «ПОКА!»

Только Санта не уходит,

Злобно на людей глядит.

Хищно он глазами водит,

На кого он так сердит?

Что за вид?

Аж сердце сводит!

На пороге Санта Клаус!

Вечный символ рождества!

Пусть навеки сгинет хаос,

Люди просят волшебства!

Утром кончились петарды,

Мы узнали из газет -

Упыря в костюме Санты

Застрелил интеллигент!

The song "Santa Claus" by the band "Korol i Shut" (King and Jester) is a satirical reinterpretation of the image of the kind wizard who brings joy at Christmas. The lyrics are filled with irony and black humor, creating an atmosphere of absurdity and grotesqueness.

From the very first lines, the authors hint at something being wrong. The idyllic picture of a winter evening ("Outside the window, everything is like in a fairy tale; Night, snowdrifts, and frost") contrasts with the unpleasant smell coming from Santa's bag ("It smells somehow bad From a canvas bag"). This dissonance intensifies with each verse, destroying the usual ideas about a fairy-tale character.

Instead of a kind grandfather, the listener is faced with an aggressive and inadequate type ("He growls and bares his teeth - A boor in the costume of a good man"). Santa does not give gifts, but on the contrary, inspires fear and disgust ("He looks predatory with his eyes, Who is he so angry at? What a sight? It makes my heart skip a beat!").

The repeating refrain "Santa Claus is at the doorstep! The eternal symbol of Christmas! May chaos disappear forever, People ask for magic!" sounds mocking against the backdrop of the unfolding nightmare. Festive paraphernalia and people's expectations collide with the cruel reality, where there is no place for magic and goodness.

The ending of the song is tragicomic. The "ghoul in a Santa suit" is killed by an intellectual, which can be interpreted as an allegory of the collapse of illusions and the triumph of the rational over the irrational.

Thus, the song "Santa Claus" is not just a New Year's horror story, but a satire on the hypocrisy hidden behind the festive facade, and on human vices that do not disappear even on Christmas Eve.

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