The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Fisherman" (Ryibak) the performer of the song "The King and the Jester"

A fisherman sat by the lake,

Dozing in his boat, for goodness sake.

He didn't notice, not a bit,

As fog descended, thick and white.

Then he saw it, all around,

A veil of mist upon the ground.

"What to do? Which way to go?

Through this fog, I cannot know!

How to find my way back home?"

He looked ahead, he looked behind,

Then chose a direction in his mind.

His oar struck bottom with a thud -

"The shore!" he cried. "I'm home! I'm good!"

He reached his house, opened the door,

And stepped inside, relieved once more.

His wife stood there, just like a ghost,

Her gaze unmoving, fixed and engrossed.

The night was still outside the pane,

His daughter in her crib, the same.

The clock on the mantle did not tick,

A fly hung frozen, doing a trick.

His son stood there, with mouth agape,

The cat mid-leap, a frozen shape...

Сидел на озере рыбак,

В лодке с удочкой дремал.

И потому не замечал,

Как на воду лег туман.

А потом увидел он,

Белый пар со всех сторон.

"Что мне делать, как мне быть?

Как узнать, куда мне плыть?

Как узнать, куда мне плыть?"

Посмотрел вперед, назад,

И поплыл он наугад.

Но коснулось дна весло -

Берег рядом - повезло!

И рыбак пришел домой,

Дверь толкнул своей рукой.

Видит в комнате жена,

Словно статуя она,

И не смотрит на него она!

За окном застыла ночь,

Неподвижна в люльке дочь,

Над плитой часы стоят,

Мухи в воздухе висят.

Сын стоит, разинув рот,

И, в прыжке со стула, замер кот...

The lyrics of the song "The Fisherman" by the band "Korol i Shut" ("King and Jester") are full of mystical and ominous subtext. At first glance, we have a simple story about a fisherman who got caught in fog and miraculously found his way home. However, upon returning, he discovers that his world has frozen in time: his wife is motionless, the night outside the window is eternal, even flies are frozen in the air.

What happened? The lyrics do not give direct answers, leaving room for interpretation. Perhaps the fog was not a simple natural phenomenon, but a gateway to the other world, where time flows differently. The fisherman, unknowingly, crossed the line beyond which the familiar reality ceased to exist. Returning to his home turned into a terrible discovery: he was trapped in frozen time, where life stopped, and his loved ones became silent prisoners.

The images of a stopped clock, a motionless daughter in a cradle, and a cat frozen mid-jump emphasize the unnaturalness of what is happening, creating an atmosphere of anxiety and hopelessness. The fisherman, unwittingly, became an outside observer in a frozen world, doomed to eternal loneliness among the frozen images of the past.

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