The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Conversation with a Goblin" (Razgovor s goblinom) the performer of the song "The King and the Jester"

The workers of knife and axe

Drank mash from night till dawn.

But some goblin ran out of the forest,

Sat at the table and declared:

'I've never drank with tough guys!'


'Your words are useless junk!

We'd better drink and eat!

Your clothes immediately told us

Who you are!'

'My people and I live in the mountains!

I'm a fine fellow, you bet! In my circles.

I can't be messed with or made fun of,

No games with me!

Believe me, I can offend just like you!'


'Your words are useless junk!

We'd better drink and eat!

Your clothes immediately told us

Who you are!'

'Listen here, goblin, you talk too much!

Pray to your gods!'

'But I'm one of you!'

'Don't worry, they'll cut off your head, and then let you go!'


'A goblin came here himself!

And now we'll have some fun!

He didn't come all this way for nothing,

To drown in a barrel of mash!'

And the hour of fun has come,

And the goblin ended up in the barrel of booze!

And he surfaced more than once,

But got hit on the head with a stick!


'Your words are useless junk!

We'd better drink and eat!

Your clothes immediately told us

Who you are!

We'd better drink and ea-ea-eat!'

Работники ножа и топора

Пили брагу с ночи до утра.

Но какой-то гоблин выбежал из леса,

Сел за стол и заявил:

"Никогда с крутыми я не пил!"


"Твои слова ненужный хлам!

Мы будем лучше пить и есть!

Твоя одежда сразу нам

Сказала, кто ты есть!"

"Я и мой народ живём в горах!

Я парень - будь здоров! В своих кругах.

Мне нельзя хамить и надо мной шутить,

Со мной нельзя играть!

Поверьте, я, как вы, умею обижать!"


"Твои слова ненужный хлам!

Мы будем лучше пить и есть!

Твоя одежда сразу нам

Сказала, кто ты есть!"

"Послушай гоблин, ты много болтаешь!

Молись своим богам!"

"Но я же как один из вас!"

"Не беспокойся, тебе отрежут голову, а потом отпустят!"


"Сюда явился гоблин сам!

И будет чем заняться нам!

Он не зря проделал путь,

В бочке с брагой ему тонуть!"

И наступил веселья час,

И гоблин в бочку с выпивкой попал!

И он выныривал не раз,

Но по макушке палкой получал!


"Твои слова ненужный хлам!

Мы будем лучше пить и есть!

Твоя одежда сразу нам

Сказала, кто ты есть!

Мы будем лучше пить и е-е-есть!"

The song "Conversation with a Goblin" by the band "Korol i Shut" (King and Jester) ridicules intolerance, cruelty, and prejudice. The goblin, personifying an "outsider," "other," tries to join a company of "workers of knife and axe," but faces aggression and misunderstanding.

His attempts to establish contact, to find common ground ("I've never drank with cool guys like you!", "I'm a cool guy in my circles, believe me!", "I can be just as offensive as you are!") are met with a wall of prejudice. The goblin's clothes ("Your clothes told us who you are!") become a marker, a label that automatically turns him into an enemy.

The "workers of knife and axe," presumably robbers or bandits, do not try to understand the goblin, but only look for an excuse for violence and entertainment ("A goblin came here himself! Now we'll have something to do!"). The ending of the song is tragicomic: the goblin ends up in a barrel of mead, where he is beaten.

The song mocks human narrow-mindedness, cruelty, and xenophobia, showing how easily people label others and how quickly a willingness to engage in dialogue turns into aggression.

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