The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Booze-up, bender, drinking party." (Pyanka) the performer of the song "The King and the Jester"

The trees are whispering low,

Their branches swaying slow,

Paying us no mind at all

As they stand so straight and tall.

The pleasant, warm eve stands still,

Enwrapped in silence on the hill.

The rooster in the shed is tame,

His crowing silenced by the flame.


But in my head, there's such a din,

With angels dancing out and in,

And all my problems melt away,

Like shadows at the close of day.

We lie here on the wheat field ground,

Where peace and joy for us abound,

And bottle after bottle flows,

As our merrymaking grows.

Our bellies now begin to churn,

With Russian vodka's fiery burn,

It dances wildly, free and bold,

With tasty snacks to have and hold.


We will not go carousing tonight,

For revelry holds no delight,

Our legs refuse to carry us,

So here we'll stay, and make no fuss.

With drunken voices raised in song,

We'll linger here the whole night long,

Upon this field, beneath the sky,

And watch the rosy sunrise nigh.

Деревья тихо шепчутся,

Макушками качая,

И совсем внимания

На нас не обращая.

Приятный теплый вечер

В молчании застыл.

Петух притих в сарае,

Горланить прекратил


А в голове шумит,

И ангелы летают,

И все проблемы тают, исчезают:

И в поле на пшенице

Мы славно отдыхаем,

Бутылку за бутылкой

Мы лихо пропускаем.

Уж в животе бурлит

Родная водка русская,

Она там разгулялась

Со свежею закускою.


Сегодня не пойдем

Буянить по дороге,

Тем более, что нас

Не держат наши ноги.

И песню затянув

Да голосами пьяными,

Здесь в поле мы останемся

Ждать восход румяный.

The song "Pyanka" (Drinking) by the band "Korol i Shut" paints a picture of a carefree pastime, where the main characters are, apparently, villagers. The world around them has frozen, "the trees whisper quietly," "the rooster has fallen silent," nature seems to ignore what is happening or silently contemplates it.

The lyrical heroes enjoy the moment, the "pleasant warm evening" disposes to bliss and reflection. But the thoughts of the heroes are already intoxicated ("there is a noise in their heads"), "angels are flying" before their inner gaze, and all problems and worries dissolve in an alcoholic haze.

The scene - a field of wheat - adds color to the overall picture, creating an atmosphere of spaciousness and closeness to nature. Alcohol flows like a river ("bottle after bottle we dashingly skip"), "native Russian vodka" boils in their stomachs, symbolizing unrestrained fun and temporary oblivion.

The heroes realize that they are heavily intoxicated ("our legs do not hold us"), so they decide not to continue the festivities ("to brawl along the road"), but to stay put until morning ("to wait for the rosy sunrise"). Drunken songs in the open air become the final chord of this evening.

The song, though seemingly lighthearted, hints at a deeper sentiment often associated with Russian culture - the use of alcohol as a means to escape from reality, to find temporary solace and forget one's worries. The idyllic setting and the carefree atmosphere contrast with the underlying sense of escapism, making the listener question the true nature of this joyous "Pyanka."

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