The meaning of the lyrics of the song "The Cursed Old House" (Proklyatyiy Staryiy Dom) the performer of the song "The King and the Jester"

In the overgrown park

Stands an ancient house.

Windows are boarded up,

And darkness reigns eternally within.

I tried to say:

'There are no monsters on earth'.

But then there came

A terrible voice in the darkness.

A voice in the darkness...


'It hurts me to see the white light,

I'm better off in complete darkness.

For many, many years

I dream only of food.

It's too cramped for me inside,

And I dream of only one thing -

To quickly find freedom,

To gnaw through my dilapidated old house.

Cursed old house!..'

There was an old man, and he died.

Blind and terribly evil.

No one remembered

About him since that cold winter.

The neighbors didn't even

Bury him then.

They just found some boards,

Decided to board up

The door and windows...


And this place is avoided

By the village folk.

And the superstitious say:

'Ghosts live there'.

В заросшем парке

Стоит старинный дом.

Забиты окна,

И мрак царит извечно в нем.

Сказать я пытался:

"Чудовищ нет на земле".

Но тут же раздался

Ужасный голос во мгле.

Голос во мгле...


"Мне больно видеть белый свет,

Мне лучше в полной темноте.

Я очень много-много лет

Мечтаю только о еде.

Мне слишком тесно взаперти, И я мечтаю об одном -

Скорей свободу обрести,

Прогрызть свой ветхий старый дом.

Проклятый старый дом!.."

Был дед да помер.

Слепой и жутко злой.

Никто не вспомнил

О нем с зимы холодной той.

Соседи не стали

Его тогда хоронить.

Лишь доски достали,

Решили заколотить

Дверь и окна...


И это место стороной

Обходит сельский люд.

И суеверные твердят:

"Там призраки живут".

The lyrics of the song "Cursed Old House" by the band "Korol i Shut" tell the story of an abandoned house with a dark history and possibly a supernatural inhabitant.

An atmosphere of mystery and horror:

From the very first lines, an atmosphere of abandonment and mystery is created: "overgrown park," "ancient house," "boarded-up windows," "darkness reigns eternally." The image of an old house shrouded in darkness and secrets is itself a classic symbol of Gothic literature and horror films, hinting that something sinister lurks within its walls.

A voice from the darkness:

The lyrical hero, trying to convince himself of the absence of monsters, hears a "terrible voice in the darkness." This voice belongs to a creature trapped in the house. The creature suffers, tormented by hunger and a thirst for freedom. It languishes in darkness, but the light hurts it.

A tragic story of the past:

The second verse sheds light on the house's past. It turns out that a "blind and terribly evil" old man lived here, who was not even properly buried after his death. The neighbors, fearing the old man during his lifetime, did not dare approach the house after his death.

Curse and fear:

The final verse summarizes the story. The house inhabited by the mysterious creature becomes a cursed place, shunned by the locals. The legends of ghosts surrounding the house confirm people's fears of the unknown.

The image of the creature:

The lyrics of the song do not give a definite answer to the question of the nature of the creature in the house. It could be the ghost of an old man who did not find peace after death, or some monster trapped in the house. What matters is that the creature evokes both fear and pity. It suffers, but its suffering is a direct consequence of the evil it sowed during its lifetime.

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