The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Interrupted Love" (Prervannaya lyubov) the performer of the song "The King and the Jester"

Silently I wander through the fields,

Longing, grieving for my lady,

How dear she was to me,

And life without her is not sweet.

I remember that day as if it were now,

We sat at the table, it was ten o'clock,

The moon shone tenderly upon us,

I poured wine for my lady.

We began to dance by candlelight,

I tried to hold her tighter,

The tape recorder sang sweetly to us,

I desired her intoxicated body and soul.

Her dress fell to the floor,

My heart pounded in my chest,

I breathed passionately into her hair,

Her tender gaze overwhelmed me.

And then misfortune struck,

I will never forget this moment.

She stepped on a watermelon rind

And... bang, her head hit the corner of the table,

I fell down with her,

Dislocated my arm, but that's nothing.

For a long time I begged her to live,

I cursed the watermelon rind in my heart.

Молча брожу я средь полей

Тоскую, грущу о даме своей,

Как дорога она мне была,

И без нее мне жизнь не мила.

Помню тот день я, как сейчас,

Сели за стол десятый был час,

Ласково нам светила луна,

Даме своей налил я вина.

Стали мы с ней при свечах танцевать,

Старался ее я покрепче обнять,

Магнитофон сладко нам пел,

Я хмельную ее душой и телом хотел.

На пол упало платье ее,

Застучало в груди сердце мое,

В волосы я ей страстно дышал,

Взгляд ее нежный меня сокрушал.

И вот тогда случилась беда,

Мне этот миг не забыть никогда.

На арбузную корку наступила она

И... хлоп головой об угол стола,

Вместе с ней падал и я

Вывихнул руку, но это фигня.

Долго ее я жить умолял,

Арбузную корку я в сердцах проклинал.

The song "Interrupted Love" by the band "Korol i Shut" tells a tragicomic story about a romantic evening that turned into an unexpected disaster. The lyrical hero bitterly recalls his beloved, longing for her.

The author uses vivid imagery to paint a picture of a romantic date: moonlight, candles, slow dancing, tender feelings. The atmosphere is filled with love and passion. The hero is fascinated by his lady, he is intoxicated and desires her with all his heart.

However, the idyll collapses in an instant. A ridiculous accident, a banal watermelon rind, becomes the cause of the tragedy. Instead of a passionate night, the hero receives a dislocated arm and, worst of all, loses his beloved.

The comic nature of the situation lies in the contrast between the sublime feelings and the prosaic cause of the tragedy. The hero's exaggerated suffering, cursing the watermelon rind, evokes laughter through tears.

The song "Interrupted Love" is a kind of parody of romantic ballads. It ridicules excessive sentimentality and melodrama, reminding us that life is unpredictable and full of absurdity.

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