The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Dances on the Grave" (Plyaski na Mogile) the performer of the song "The King and the Jester"

One cheerful fellow

Called his friends to the graveyard.

"Want to see me dance on the grave?"

He said with a smile.

His friends were dumbfounded,

None of them had ever seen

Such crazy dancing:

He was reaching for the moon with his hand as he leaped.


- Wow! No way!

What agility in his legs!


How cleverly the rascal jumps!

What a damn acrobat!

Leaping up, spinning down,

How does he manage it?!

The prankster let loose,

And started to do such things!

He began to burrow into the ground

And change his appearance under the earth.

And the guys from the graveyard

Ran home scared,

And the inventor-entertainer

Was left there alone without an audience.

He was no sorcerer

And didn't understand a thing about dancing!

But it was simply that in that very grave

His late grandfather lay!

The deceased was a dancer,

He hadn't danced enough in seventy years,

And then with his grandson Yegor

He repeated his favorite pirouette.

Один весёлый парень

На кладбище друзей своих позвал.

- Хотите, на могиле спляшу я вам? -

С улыбкой он сказал.

Друзья остолбенели,

Не доводилось видеть никому

Таких безумных плясок:

В прыжках он доставал рукой луну.


- Ого! Не может быть!

В ногах какая прыть!


Как ловко скачет, гад!

Вот, чёртов акробат!

Вверх взлетает, вниз плюётся,

Как ему, так удаётся?!

Проказник разошелся,

И начал он такое вытворять!

Стал зарываться в землю

И облик под землею свой менять.

И с кладбища ребята

В испуге разбежались по домам,

А выдумщик-затейник

Без зрителей один остался там.

Он не был чародеем

И в танцах ничего не понимал!

Но просто в той могиле

Его покойный дедушка лежал!

Усопший был танцором,

За семьдесят не наплясался лет,

И тут с внучком Егором

Любимый повторял свой пируэт.

The lyrics of the song "Dancing on the Grave" by the band "Korol i Shut" (King and Jester) tell the story of a young man who decides to surprise his friends with an unusual performance at a cemetery. He offers to dance on a grave, which causes shock and bewilderment among them. The guy breaks into a wild dance, amazing his friends with his agility and acrobatic stunts.

The culmination is the moment when he begins to bury himself in the ground and change his appearance. The frightened friends run away, leaving him alone.

The denouement of the song turns out to be unexpected: it turns out that the hero does not possess any supernatural abilities. The secret of his dance lies in the fact that his grandfather, who was a talented dancer during his lifetime, is buried in this very grave. The grandfather's soul, unsatisfied with not being able to fully realize its talent, takes possession of the grandson and dances with him, repeating his favorite moves.

Thus, the song "Dancing on the Grave" is a story about the connection between generations, about how passion and love for art can overcome even death. The song is filled with mysticism and black humor characteristic of the work of the band "Korol i Shut."

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