The meaning of the lyrics of the song "The Drunkard's Song" (Pesenka Pyanogo Deda) the performer of the song "The King and the Jester"

Now again I woke up

By the doghouse in the yard,

And again the old woman

Did not let me in.

From resentment, I almost

Howled like a dog!

If only someone gave me a drink

And helped me to my feet!


There is no respect for an old man!

Even with a gray head!

Why did I even get myself a wife? -

She's always been an old hag.

The dog laid its muzzle down

On a gnawed bone -

She doesn't need a get-together with the old man

Not even for free!

She clearly finds unpleasant

The drunk, bearded guest,

From whom, moreover,

Reeks strongly of BOOZE.


Don't scold me, doggy - I won't bother you! I just have nowhere else to go, Plus, it's really hard to get up!

Нынче я опять проснулся

У собачьей конуры,

И опять меня старуха

Не пустила на порог.

От обиды я чуть было

Как собака не завыл!

Кто б меня опохмелил

И встать на ноги помог!


Нет уваженья к старику!

Вроде седая голова!

На черта завел себе жену -

Она всегда старухою была.

Собака морду положила

На обгрызанную кость -

Посиделки с дедом старым

Не нужны ей здесь и даром!

Неприятен ей, как видно

Пьяный бородатый гость,

От которого, к тому-же,

Жутко веет ПЕРЕГАРОМ.


Ты уж, собачка, не брани - Я бы не стал тебе мешать! Мне просто не куда идти, К тому же очень трудно встать!

The song "Drunken Old Man" by the band "Korol i Shut" is a satirical look at the problems of alcoholism and family relationships. The text is full of irony and black humor, behind which lies the tragedy of a man who has lost himself in drunkenness.

The lyrical hero of the song is an elderly man suffering from alcoholism. He wakes up by the doghouse, rejected by his own wife. His attempts to evoke sympathy look pathetic and ridiculous. He blames his wife for everything, calling her an "old woman," and complains about the lack of respect for himself.

The dog in the song is a kind of symbol of indifference and contempt for the protagonist. She prefers a gnawed bone to the company of her grandfather, because "he reeks terribly of fumes." This image emphasizes the full depth of the hero's fall, which even the animal shuns.

The chorus of the song is a cry from the heart of the lyrical hero, his attempt to justify his behavior. He appeals to age ("Like a gray head!"), but he himself destroys the image of a wise old man with his drunkenness. The phrase "She was always an old woman" is an attempt to shift the blame for his failures onto his wife.

In the final chorus, the hero turns not to his wife, but to the dog, asking her not to scold him. He acknowledges his miserable situation ("I just have nowhere to go, besides, it's very difficult to get up!"), but makes no attempt to change anything.

Thus, "The Drunken Old Man's Song" is not just a funny story, but a story with a deep social connotation. It makes you think about the problems of alcoholism, loneliness and family breakdown.

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