The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Reflection" (Otrajenie) the performer of the song "The King and the Jester"

The boat creaks by the pier.

Moonlight night - the beginning of anxieties.

I stand gloomy,

Looking into the water.

There is no reflection of me in it,

There is only the bitterness of defeat.

Oh, why

Did he decide

To meddle in my life!

In a gray bag, quiet moans.

My heart is like the trophy of Gorgon.

There is no pity -

Its trace has faded in me!

Fierce anger devours me,

My mind cannot understand fate;

Against me

My essence has risen.


Fever in my soul!

I don't forgive insults!

I will destroy

Your plan - I promise!

You don't know me!

You are just a reflection!

There is only

One remedy -

Sink to the bottom!

I've been through a crash, a breakup.

Who am I now? Myself, like a reflection.

I was rich...

He is to blame for everything!

The one who came from the looking glass,

The one who brought suffering into my life...

My God, comfort me!

Assure me that I am me!


Fever in my soul!

I don't forgive insults!

I will destroy

Your plan - I promise!

You don't know me!

You are just a reflection!

There is only

One remedy -

Sink to the bottom!

Лодка скрипит возле причала.

Лунная ночь - тревог начало.

Мрачно стою,

В воду смотрю.

Нет моего в ней отраженья,

Есть только горечь пораженья.

Ну почему

Лезть в мою жизнь

Вздумалось ему!

В сером мешке тихие стоны.

Сердце моё - как трофей Горгоны.

Жалости нет -

Во мне простыл её след!

Злоба меня лютая гложет,

Разум судьбу понять не может;

Против меня

Восстала сущность моя.


Лихорадит душу!

Я обиды не прощаю!

Я разрушу

План твой - обещаю!

Ты меня не знаешь!

Ты всего лишь отраженье!

Средство есть

Лишь одно -

Сгинь на дно!

Я пережил крах, разоренье.

Кто я теперь? Сам, как отраженье.

Был я богат...

Во всём лишь он виноват!

Тот, кто пришёл из зазеркалья,

Тот, кто принёс в мою жизнь страданья...

Мой Бог, утешь меня!

Уверь, что я - это я!


Лихорадит душу!

Я обиды не прощаю!

Я разрушу

План твой - обещаю!

Ты меня не знаешь!

Ты всего лишь отраженье!

Средство есть

Лишь одно -

Сгинь на дно!

The song "Author's Reflection" by the band "Korol i Shut" (King and Jester) depicts a lyrical hero in a state of deep crisis, stemming from a confrontation with himself. The lyrics are laden with dark imagery and symbolism, reflecting the hero's internal struggle.

The lines "A boat creaks by the pier. Moonlit night - the beginning of anxieties" establish an atmosphere of uncertainty and apprehensive anticipation. The hero stands by the water but sees no reflection, symbolizing a loss of identity and a feeling of emptiness.

The absence of reflection is replaced by the "bitterness of defeat." The hero blames his misfortunes on a certain "him" – his alter ego, the dark side of his personality, which "decided to meddle in his life." This duality is emphasized by the image of a "grey sack with quiet moans" – perhaps a metaphor for a suppressed conscience or past sins.

The hero's heart, "like a trophy of the Gorgon," has turned to stone, leaving no room for pity. Rage and a thirst for revenge ("I do not forgive insults! I will destroy your plan!") consume him. He feels like a puppet in the hands of his own dark essence ("You are just a reflection!"). The only way out he sees is to destroy his reflection by drowning it ("Sink to the bottom!").

The hero experiences ruin, the loss of former wealth and status ("I was rich..."). He blames everything on "the one who came from the looking glass," his dark side, which brought suffering into his life. In despair, he turns to God, pleading for help and confirmation of his own "I."

The song "Author's Reflection" is a dark parable about the struggle with inner demons, about the destructive power of anger, hatred, and the desire for revenge. It makes one think about the fragility of the human psyche and the importance of maintaining control over one's emotions in order not to fall victim to one's own dark side.

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