The meaning of the lyrics of the song "The Hangman's Bride" (Nevesta Palacha) the performer of the song "The King and the Jester"

Trying to hide his sorrow,

The executioner frowned angrily.

But the innkeeper understood -

The executioner's heart was broken.

"I'm not used to seeing you like this, my friend!

Tell me what happened!

I swear, only the devil could have offended you!"


"I believed in justice,

But now there's no place for me in it!

My childhood friend is dead!

The executioner's bride!"

She hid from me

Her terrible suffering.

The crowd roared around,

They wanted entertainment.


"I believed in justice,

But now there's no place for me in it!

My childhood friend is dead!

The executioner's bride!"

Life is a game with death!

Where there's holiness, there's sin!

I beat her with a whip,

Although I considered her the best of all!


"I believed in justice,

But now there's no place for me in it!

My childhood friend is dead!

The executioner's bride!"

The word "witch" evoked

Anger and cruelty in people!

She burned at the stake,

And her soul flew into the abyss...


"I believed in justice,

But now there's no place for me in it!

My childhood friend is dead!

The executioner's bride!"

Скрыть печаль свою стараясь,

Палач нахмурил лоб сердито.

Но трактирщик понял -

Сердце палача разбито.

"Не привык таким я

здесь тебя, приятель, видеть!

Что стряслось, скажи мне!

Клянусь, лишь дьявол мог тебя обидеть!"


"Правосудию я верил,

Но теперь в нём нет мне места!

Умерла моя подруга детства!

Палача невеста!"

От меня она скрывала

Свои жуткие мученья.

Толпа вокруг кричала,

Им хотелось развлеченья.


"Правосудию я верил,

Но теперь в нём нет мне места!

Умерла моя подруга детства!

Палача невеста!"

Жизнь - игра со смертью!

Где святость - там и грех!

Бил её я плетью,

Хотя считал её я лучше всех!


"Правосудию я верил,

Но теперь в нём нет мне места!

Умерла моя подруга детства!

Палача невеста!"

Слово "ведьма" вызывало

В людях злобу и жестокость!

На костре она сгорала,

И душа её летела в пропасть...


"Правосудию я верил,

Но теперь в нём нет мне места!

Умерла моя подруга детства!

Палача невеста!"

The song "The Executioner's Bride" by the band "Korol i Shut" (King and Jester) tells the tragic story of an executioner forced to execute his beloved. The lyrics are filled with grief, despair, and disillusionment with the justice system, which has become an instrument for the murder of an innocent woman.

At the beginning of the song, we see the executioner trying to hide his sorrow. The innkeeper, knowing him as a cheerful man, realizes that something terrible has happened. The executioner tells him about the death of his beloved, who was his childhood friend. He still believes in justice, but the death of his love deprives him of his place in this system, because he was the one who had to carry out the sentence.

Further on, we learn that the girl was hiding her "terrible torment" from him - most likely, she was accused of witchcraft, which was a common occurrence in those days. The crowd craved execution, unwilling to understand the situation. The executioner, being part of the system, could not oppose it, although he considered his beloved "better than anyone". He executed her, torn between duty and love.

The ending of the song is full of bitterness and hopelessness. The word "witch" awakened the basest feelings in people - anger and cruelty. An innocent girl died at the stake, and her soul "flew into the abyss". The executioner, crushed by grief and guilt, completely loses faith in justice. He is left alone with his tragedy.

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