The meaning of the lyrics of the song "My Character" (Moy Harakter) the performer of the song "The King and the Jester"

My character was complicated,

My mind and growth were dedicated,

But such was my nature's plight -

To fight those who weren't right.

I yearned to be tough and strong,

And grew to despise,

The weaknesses I'd sometimes find,

To clear my head from troubled mind,

I'd bang it against the floor.


I vanished for a while,

Moved to live in a basement vile,

And when at last,

I emerged from below -

I became so righteous and bold,

Couldn't recognize myself, I was told,

Often hearing my own voice,

From the basement's choice:


It screamed, gnawing at the wall.

I used to be a fool, they say -

Now I'm a man of a better way,

What I wanted, I'd acquire,

Teaching others how to set life afire.

But down below, my demon of dread,

Bashed its head and said:

'You're wrong to treat me this way!

You don't understand what you do or say!'

I banged my head against the floor.


I soon came to adore,

The roar of the iron horse's core,

Wind crashing against the might,

Of my leather armor, shining bright.

And behind me, near and far,

The demon chased me like a scar,

Resisting all,

My triumphs and call:


It screamed, gnawing at the wall.

And my heart will beat,

Never ceasing its heat.

It might just be,

My enemy will flee


Мой характер был непрост,

В силу ум ушел и в рост,

Но такой уж был мой нрав -

Драться с теми, кто не прав.

Я хотел быть крутым

И возненавидел

Слабости, что в себе иногда я видел,

Чтоб избавить голову от мыслей,

Бился я головой об пол.


Я надолго пропал,

Перебрался жить в подвал,

А когда, наконец,

Я оттуда вышел -

Очень правильным стал,

Сам себя не узнавал,

Часто собственный вой

Из подвала слышал:


Он кричал, грызя зубами стену.

Был я раньше дураком -

Стал отличным мужиком,

Что хотел, то получил,

Жизни я других учил.

А внизу демон мой

Страшно бился головой

И кричал: "Ты со мной зря так поступаешь!

Что ты сделал - ты не понимаешь!"

Бился я головой об пол.


Полюбил вскоре я

Рев железного коня,

Ветер бился о плоть

Кожаных доспехов.

И за мной тут и там

Демон мчался по пятам

И противился он

Всем моим успехам:


Он кричал, грызя зубами стену.

И сердце биться

Не перестанет.

Может случиться,

Враг мой отстанет


The song "My Character" by the band "Korol i Shut" tells the story of a lyrical hero battling inner demons. The lyrics are built on the metaphor of a confrontation between outward appearance and inner world.

"My character was not easy" – the hero acknowledges his temper and desire to resolve conflicts by force. He tries to appear strong ("I wanted to be cool"), suppressing weaknesses and doubts within himself. The struggle with himself is brought to the point of absurdity – the hero literally beats his head on the floor, trying to get rid of his thoughts.

"Moved to live in the basement" – a metaphor for withdrawing from one's true self, an attempt to hide one's true nature. Staying in the "basement" changes the hero, making him outwardly "right." He achieves success, teaches others about life, but the inner conflict does not disappear.

The demon locked in the basement is the personification of the hero's repressed emotions and desires. It screams, beats its head against the wall, curses, expressing all the pain and anger that the hero tries to ignore.

The image of the iron horse and armor symbolizes the hero's striving for freedom and protection from the outside world. However, even rushing towards the wind, he cannot run away from himself. The demon pursues him, preventing him from enjoying success.

The final lines are the culmination of the confrontation. The hero realizes that the struggle is eternal. He cannot get rid of his dark side. There are only two options left: either the enemy will fall behind, or it will destroy him. The open ending makes you think about the price we pay for suppressing our true nature.

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