The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Harry's Revenge" (Mest Garri) the performer of the song "The King and the Jester"

Life was good, a free, rebellious soul!

But now, lined up neat, the bandits lie as if asleep,

Harry did us a favor - poisoned our food, the scoundrel,

He didn't manage to escape, and now a bullet to the forehead he can't avoid!


Come on, brother, knock out

His last tooth!!!

We are all goners,

He will be a corpse too!!!

We're all going to hell! The vultures have smelled their meal!

Every man who died, crawled up and knocked out a tooth from Harry,

He was good in a fight, and afterwards he violated a pig,

Everyone laughed as one, for that he took revenge, the moron!


Come on, brother, knock out

His last tooth!!!

We are all goners,

He will be a corpse too!!!

Жизнь была хороша, свободная разбойничья душа!

А теперь, точно в ряд, валяются бандиты, будто спят,

Гарри нам удружил - в еду, мерзавец, яду подложил,

Не успел убежать, и пули в лоб ему не избежать!


А ну-ка, выбей, брат,

Ему последний зуб!!!

Мы все покойники,

Он тоже будет труп!!!

Всем гореть нам в аду! Стервятники почуяли еду!

Каждый, кто умирал, зуб Гарри, подползая, выбивал,

Он хорош был в бою, а после изнасиловал свинью,

Ржали все, как один, за это он и отомстил, кретин!


А ну-ка, выбей, брат,

Ему последний зуб!!!

Мы все покойники,

Он тоже будет труп!!!

The song "Harry's Revenge" by the band "Korol i Shut" tells the story of betrayal and revenge within a band of robbers. Harry, one of the gang members, poisons his comrades by adding poison to their food. The motives for his actions are revealed in the second verse: Harry was brutally abused, forced to rape a pig after the battle. All the robbers laughed at him, and this act, apparently, was the last straw for Harry. He decided to take revenge by taking the lives of his tormentors.

Despite the fact that Harry committed mass murder, the song does not justify him or his comrades. “Life was good, a free robber soul!” - ironically sung at the beginning, hinting that the robber's "freedom" inevitably leads to violence and death.

The image of knocking out teeth, featured in the chorus, has a deep symbolic meaning. Teeth are a symbol of strength, aggression, the ability to defend oneself. By knocking out Harry's teeth, the dead robbers seem to deprive him of this power, even after death trying to avenge the betrayal.

The ending of the song is tragic: all the characters in the story are dead, and their souls are doomed to eternal torment in hell. The song "Harry's Revenge" is a dark parable about how cruelty breeds more cruelty, and revenge does not bring satisfaction, but only increases suffering.

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