The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Puppets" (Marionetki) the performer of the song "The King and the Jester"

My world is huge,

And I'm so modest.

All life is a play -

I am an actor in it.

An actor-hypocrite,

Good man and villain,

Not for the sake of people,

But for the sake of art;


I play through life,

I know all your secrets.

You sit in the hall,

And your nerves, like threads,

Securely stitched

To my fingers...

You were deceived,

Dipped in the mud.

Everyone will know about it soon!

Court actor

Smart and cunning.

I've been here for a long time.

I see right through you!


Threats, ridicule,

Pawns try on crowns,

Marks on their faces,

That they are all puppets.

- Hey, dolls! Run!

Eat me! Here I am!

I am the role - you are the plot.

Let's shed light on the world!

Who is right and who is wrong -

Let others judge!


Threats, ridicule,

Pawns try on crowns.

Their injections are marks,

But they are all puppets.

- Hey, dolls! Run!

Eat me! Here I am!

You sit in front of me,

And your nerves, like threads,

Securely stitched

To my fingers...

Мой мир огромен,

А я так скромен.

Вся жизнь спектакль -

Я в ней актёр.


Добряк и злодей,

Не ради людей,

А ради искусства;


По жизни играю,

Я все секреты ваши знаю.

Вы в зале сидите,

И ваши нервы, словно нити,

Надёжно пришиты

К пальцам моим...

Вас обманули,

В грязь окунули.

Об этом вскоре

Узнают все!

Придворный актёр

Умён и хитёр.

Я тут с давних пор.

Насквозь я вас вижу!


Угрозы, насмешки,

Короны примеряют пешки,

На лицах отметки,

Что все они марионетки.

- Эй, куклы! Бегите!

Ешьте меня! Вот он я!

Я роль - вы сюжет.

Прольём миру свет!

Кто прав, а кто нет -

Пусть судят другие!


Угрозы, насмешки,

Короны примеряют пешки.

Уколы их метки,

Но все они марионетки.

- Эй, куклы! Бегите!

Ешьте меня! Вот он я!

Передо мною вы сидите,

И ваши нервы, словно нити,

Надёжно пришиты

К пальцам моим...

"Marionettes," a song by the Russian band Korol i Shut (King and Jester), presents a monologue of a lyrical hero – an artist who sees people as mere puppets and life as a theatrical stage.

1. Duality of Nature:

"My world is vast, And I am so modest." – The hero emphasizes the contrast between his own rich inner world and external modesty, hinting at hidden depths and perceptiveness.

"All life is a play - I am an actor in it" – Life is a performance where he plays different roles: "An actor-hypocrite, A good man and a villain". This speaks to his versatility, ability to transform, and manipulate.

2. Cynicism and Superiority:

The hero doesn't hide his cynical attitude towards people, calling them puppets and controlling their emotions:

"I play through life, I know all your secrets" – He positions himself as a puppeteer, aware of the secrets and weaknesses of those around him.

"You sit in the hall, And your nerves, like threads, Are securely sewn To my fingers..." – This vividly illustrates his power over the audience, his ability to evoke desired emotions by "pulling the strings."

3. Justice and Exposure:

Despite his cynicism, the hero isn't devoid of a sense of justice: "You were deceived, Dragged through the mud. Everyone will know about it soon!" He acts as an exposer, using his art ("The court actor Is clever and cunning") to reveal the truth hidden behind masks of hypocrisy.

4. The Image of Marionettes:

Marionettes are the key image of the song, symbolizing the facelessness, controllability, and falsehood of society.

"Threats, mockery, Pawns try on crowns, Marks on their faces, That they are all puppets" – "Pawns" aspire to power ("Try on crowns") but remain mere puppets in someone else's hands.

"Hey, dolls! Run! Eat me! Here I am!" – The hero mocks his puppets, offering them a meaningless rebellion.

5. The Role of Art:

"I am the role - you are the plot." – Art as a mirror reflecting reality.

"Let's shed light on the world! Who's right and who's wrong - Let others judge!" – The purpose of art is to show the truth, not to judge.

In conclusion, "Marionettes" is a philosophical song about hypocrisy, manipulation, and the search for truth. The lyrical hero, a cynical artist, sees people as puppets but strives to expose lies and reveal the true face of society.

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