The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Forest Robbers" (Lesnyie Razboyniki) the performer of the song "The King and the Jester"

I've never wished harm on anyone,

To inflict.

But he's wrong, oh, he's wrong, who wanted to take away my freedom,

Take away!

To hell with it! To hell with them all! From the law, from my enemies,

I went into the forest.

And I found common interests with a forest band,

I found!


We know our job well,

Hey, rich miser, beware!

You won't save your own skin,

Just get caught in the forest!

We don't need gold and silver,

We'll give all the money to the people.

We won't harm the common folk -

Go in peace!

In the wilderness, under a pine tree, with a band of hairy men,

I lived.

For robbery, plunder, and robbery, everyone, everyone, everyone hunted me,

They searched for me.

Every reckless fool followed my trail,

My trail.

But my knife and sawed-off shotgun carried weight, and that was understood by all those who were already there,

Already there!


Никому никогда не стремился зла я причинять,


Но тот не прав, ох, не прав, кто свободу у меня хотел отнять,


Все к чертям! Всех к чертям! От закона, от своих врагов

Я в лес ушел.

И с одной бандой лесной интересы общие нашел,



Мы четко знаем работу свою,

Эй, богатый скупец, берегись!

Не сохранить тебе шкуру твою,

Только нам ты в лесу попадись!

Не нужно нам злата и серебра,

Деньги людям мы все отдадим.

Простому народу не сделаем зла -

С миром проходи!

В глуши лесной под сосной с бандой волосатых мужиков

Жил я.

За разбой, грабеж и разбой, все, все, все охотились за мной,

Искали меня.

Каждый бес-головорез за мною рыскал по пятам,

По пятам.

Но имели вес мой нож и обрез и это поняли все те, кто уже там,

Уже там!


The song "Forest Robbers" by the band "Korol i Shut" (King and Jester) tells the story of a person forced to run from the law and become a robber. The song's lyrical hero didn't wish ill on anyone but was deprived of freedom, which pushed him on this path. In the forest, he found like-minded people - outcasts like himself, with whom he shared common goals.

Despite becoming a robber, the song's hero has his own code of honor. He robs only the rich and distributes the money to the poor. The hero emphasizes that he doesn't need gold and silver, and his actions are dictated by a sense of justice and a desire to help ordinary people.

The song also describes the danger faced by the hero and his gang. They are being hunted, but they are ready to defend themselves. A knife and a sawn-off shotgun are their faithful companions, striking fear into the hearts of their enemies.

The main idea of the song is that even in the most difficult life circumstances, a person is able to maintain their moral principles. The hero, having become a robber, did not cease to be human. He fights for justice, albeit by his own methods. The song romanticizes the image of a noble robber who robs the rich and helps the poor, challenging the injustice of the world.

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