The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Forester" (Lesnik) the performer of the song "The King and the Jester"

Worn out by the road,

I was completely exhausted.

And at the forester's house, I

Asked for shelter for the night.

With a kind smile,

The old man let me in.

And with a friendly gesture

Invited me for dinner.


Make yourself at home, traveler,

I will not refuse you anything,

I will not refuse you anything,

I will not refuse you anything!

Many stories,

If you wish, I will tell,

If you wish, I will tell,

If you wish, I will tell!

It was getting dark outside,

I sat at the table.

The forester sat opposite,

Talking about this and that.

That there are no animals

Among the old man's enemies,

That he likes

To feed the wolves.


Make yourself at home, traveler,

I will not refuse you anything,

I will not refuse you anything,

I will not refuse you anything!

Many stories,

If you wish, I will tell,

If you wish, I will tell,

If you wish, I will tell!

And the wolves in the night

Howled under the window.

The old man smiled

And suddenly left the house.

But soon he returned

With a gun at the ready:

'Friends want to eat,

Let's go to the forest, buddy!'


Make yourself at home, traveler,

I will not refuse you anything,

I will not refuse you anything,

I will not refuse you anything!

Many stories,

If you wish, I will tell,

If you wish, I will tell,

If you wish, I will tell!

Замученный дорогой,

Я выбился из сил.

И в доме лесника я

Ночлега попросил.

С улыбкой добродушной

Старик меня пустил.

И жестом дружелюбным

На ужин пригласил.


Будь как дома путник,

Я ни в чём не откажу,

Я ни в чём не откажу,

Я ни в чём не откажу!

Множество историй,

Коль желаешь расскажу,

Коль желаешь расскажу,

Коль желаешь расскажу!

На улице темнело,

Сидел я за столом.

Лесник сидел напротив,

Болтал о том о сем.

Что нет среди животных

У старика врагов,

Что нравится ему

Подкармливать волков.


Будь как дома путник,

Я ни в чём не откажу,

Я ни в чём не откажу,

Я ни в чём не откажу!

Множество историй,

Коль желаешь расскажу,

Коль желаешь расскажу,

Коль желаешь расскажу!

И волки среди ночи

Завыли под окном.

Старик заулыбался

И вдруг покинул дом.

Но вскоре возвратился

С ружьем на перевес:

"Друзья хотят покушать,

Пойдем приятель в лес!"


Будь как дома путник,

Я ни в чём не откажу,

Я ни в чём не откажу,

Я ни в чём не откажу!

Множество историй,

Коль желаешь расскажу,

Коль желаешь расскажу,

Коль желаешь расскажу!

The lyrics of the song "Lesnik" (Forester) by the band "Korol i Shut" tell a story about a traveler seeking shelter for the night in a forester's house. What seems like an ordinary situation takes on a sinister undertone through the author's use of mystery and ambiguity.

The song begins with a weary traveler finding refuge with a seemingly kind old forester. The atmosphere appears calm and peaceful, with the forester demonstrating hospitality. However, there's a hint of something strange in the very first verse: the forester welcomes the traveler with a "good-natured smile," but this same smile could also be a mask concealing something sinister.

The chorus, repeating throughout the story, emphasizes the forester's hospitality, but it also sounds insistent and unnatural. It creates the impression that the old man is trying to convince not only the traveler but also himself of his friendliness.

The tension builds further as the forester shares his peculiar "friendship" with wolves, whom he feeds. This detail, along with the howling of wolves outside the window, foreshadows danger. The old man's smile takes on a sinister quality at this point; he no longer hides his true nature.

The climax comes when the forester needs to "feed his friends" and leads the traveler into the forest. The ending is left open, but it becomes clear that the traveler has fallen into a trap. The forester's hospitality was merely a lure, and his "friends" are hungry wolves awaiting their prey.

In conclusion, the lyrics of "Lesnik" are a story with a double meaning. Beneath the facade of kindness and hospitality lies something dark and sinister. The author provides no direct answer as to what happened to the traveler, leaving the listener to imagine the ending themselves.

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