The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Kuzma and the Master" (Kuzma i Barin) the performer of the song "The King and the Jester"

For going down to the master's cellar

And for loving to steal the master's brew,

And for drinking it all up,

Kuzma, the peasant's son, was punished.


A mug, two mugs, and Kuzma is glad,

And to hell with the master, he's rich anyway.

So that the good doesn't go to waste,

You have to take it and drink it right away.

Kuzma was hung by his feet with a rope,

His head was aching badly

From his parched mouth came the words:

'Where's the brew?! What's going on?!'


The master was getting angrier and angrier with the peasant

And blamed him for everything, didn't forgive the offense.

'Will you do this again?!' - he shouted furiously,

'I will, master, I will!!!' - answered Kuzma.


За то, что в погреб к барину ходил

И за то, что брагу красть у барина любил,

И за то, что всю ее приговорил

Кузьма - крестьянский сын наказан был.


Кружка, две и Кузя рад,

А на барина чихать, он и так богат.

Чтоб добру не пропадать,

Нужно брать его и тут же выпивать.

Веревкой за ноги подвешен был Кузьма,

Сильно у него болела голова

Из пересохшего рта вырвались слова:

"Брага где?! Что за дела?!"


Все больше барин на крестьянина серчал

И сам его порол, обиды не прощал.

"Еще так будешь?!" - яростно кричал,

"Буду барин, буду!!!" - Кузя отвечал.


The song "Kuzma and the Master" by the band "Korol i Shut" tells the story of a simple peasant named Kuzma who enjoys drinking the master's home-brewed beer. He is punished for this, but Kuzma remains unrepentant and even challenges the master. The lyrics are full of irony and dark humor, behind which lies a deep social subtext.

The image of Kuzma:

Kuzma is a typical representative of the peasantry, living in poverty and disenfranchisement. He sees nothing wrong with stealing from the rich master, especially since the homebrew is made from common ingredients. Kuzma is not afraid of punishment, he is daring and mocking ("And on the master, I spit, he is rich anyway"). His attitude towards the master is a mixture of contempt and defiance. Even hanging upside down, Kuzma is not thinking about pain, but about the homebrew ("Where is the beer?! What is going on?!").

The image of the master:

The master is Kuzma's antagonist, the personification of greed and despotism. He does not tolerate disobedience, even in small things, and cruelly punishes Kuzma for stealing. The master does not understand that his wealth is built on the exploitation of the peasants and perceives Kuzma as property.

The meaning of the song:

The song ridicules social inequality and the arbitrariness of power. Kuzma, despite his clumsiness, evokes sympathy – he fights for his little joys in a world where everything is against him. His audacity ("I will be the master, I will!!!") is a kind of protest against injustice. The song does not provide answers, but it makes one think about the eternal problems of society.

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