The meaning of the lyrics of the song "The King and the Jester" (Korol i Schut) the performer of the song "The King and the Jester"

For many days the king was sad,

The people didn't know what was wrong!

And someone to the palace brought

A funny dwarf jester.

The dwarf jumped and shouted,

The people laughed madly,

And the jester didn't stop making them laugh,

Suddenly the king fell to the floor.


Ho! Ho! Everything's upside down!

Ho! Ho! Everything's in turmoil!

Laughter from all sides!

Laughter in the merry kingdom!

Silence fell,

Everyone froze by the body, mouths open,

The guards grabbed the jester,

And he - like a ball out of their hands!

The nasty jester ran around the hall,

And after him - all the courtiers.

But what a strange misfortune -

No one could catch the jester!


Ho! Ho! Everything's upside down!

Ho! Ho! Everything's in turmoil!

Laughter from all sides!

Laughter in the merry kingdom!

From fatigue and laughter

The unfortunate people were exhausted,

The guards lay in their armor,

And everyone laughed terribly.

There was no more king,

Everyone, as one, went mad.

Months and years flew by

In the merry kingdom of the dwarf jester!


Ho! Ho! Everything's upside down!

Ho! Ho! Everything's in turmoil!

Laughter from all sides!

Laughter in the merry kingdom of the jester!

Много дней грустил король,

Не знал народ, что за беда!

И кто-то во дворец привёл

Смешного карлика-шута.

Карлик прыгал и кричал,

Народ безумно хохотал,

А шут смешить не прекращал,

На пол вдруг король упал.


Хо! Хо! Всё кверх дном!

Хо! Хо! Всё ходуном!

Хохот со всех сторон!

Хохот в весёлом царстве!

Наступила тишина,

Все замерли у тела, рты открыв,

Схватили стражники шута,

А он - как мяч из рук у них!

По залу бегал гадкий шут,

А следом - весь придворный люд.

Но что за странная напасть -

Никто не мог шута поймать!


Хо! Хо! Всё кверх дном!

Хо! Хо! Всё ходуном!

Хохот со всех сторон!

Хохот в весёлом царстве!

От усталости и смеха

Насчастный люд изнемогал,

Валялись стражники в доспехах,

И каждый страшно хохотал.

Не стало больше короля,

Все, как один, сошли с ума.

Летели месяцы, года

В весёлом царстве карлика-шута!


Хо! Хо! Всё кверх дном!

Хо! Хо! Всё ходуном!

Хохот со всех сторон!

Хохот в весёлом царстве шута!

This song by the band "Korol i Shut" (The King and the Jester), titled "The King and the Jester," tells an allegorical story about the destructive power of uncontrolled merriment and madness.

The meaning of the song can be interpreted as follows:

The melancholic king symbolizes reason, order, and rationality. The jester, with his eccentricity and absurd humor, embodies chaos, madness, and loss of control. The laughter he evokes initially appears harmless, but quickly transforms into something uncontrollable and destructive.

The king's death from laughter signifies the victory of chaos over reason. The court, unable to resist the infectious madness, plunges into an abyss of anarchy. The image of the elusive jester emphasizes the irreversibility of what happened: madness, once unleashed upon society, cannot be stopped.

The "merry kingdom" of the jester is a world where absurdity reigns, where there's no place for logic or order. The song makes one ponder on the fragility of the balance between reason and madness, and how easily one can cross the line beyond which chaos rules.

Particular attention should be paid to the artistic techniques employed:

Antithesis: Contrasting the images of the king (reason) and the jester (madness), the solemn palace and the anarchy that reigns after the king's death.

Hyperbole: Exaggerating the power of laughter, which leads to the king's death and drives the entire court mad.

Repetitions: "Ho! Ho!", "Everything's upside down!", "Laughter from all sides!" - they intensify the feeling of chaos and madness that have taken over the kingdom.

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