The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Little one, toddler, tot, munchkin." (Karapuz) the performer of the song "The King and the Jester"

A stranger smiled, I smiled back at her,

It would be stupid for me to miss this chance,

Believe it or not, but I want to meet you,

You are so beautiful, my God!


Seeing her off with my eyes, I silently thought:

'Five minutes ago she was almost mine,

Such a fool, so unreasonable,

She ran to the kid, like a madwoman,

A madwoman...'

We looked at each other for a long time, barely breathing,

I approached her closer and closer, slowly,

But a fat man with a red beard suddenly appeared on the road,

And she rushed to him at that very moment.


Улыбнулась незнакомка, улыбнулся я в ответ,

Глупо было бы мне этот упустить момент,

Веришь, нет, но я желаю познакомиться с тобой,

Ты красивая такая, Боже мой!


Провожая ее взглядом, молча думал я:

"Пять минут назад она была почти моя,

Вот ведь глупая, такая неразумная,

Побежала к карапузу, как безумная,


Мы смотрели очень долго друг на друга, чуть дыша,

К ней все ближе подходил я, не спеша,

Но толстяк с бородкой рыжей на дороге вдруг возник,

И она к нему помчалась в тот же миг.


This is a story about a missed connection, told through the lyrics of the song "Karapuz" by the Russian rock band "Korol i Shut". The lyrics depict a situation where the narrator encounters a beautiful stranger and feels an instant attraction.

The song begins with a spark of hope and a shared smile. The narrator, captivated by the woman's beauty, is ready to seize the moment and make his move.

However, the sudden appearance of a "fat man with a red beard" shatters the narrator's hopes. The woman runs off with the newcomer, leaving the protagonist in a state of disbelief and disappointment.

The chorus reflects the narrator's struggle to come to terms with the situation. He berates himself for his hesitation and calls the woman "foolish" and "crazy" for choosing someone else. The word "karapuz," a somewhat derogatory term for a little boy, used to describe the rival, emphasizes the narrator's bitterness and wounded pride.

In essence, "Karapuz" is a tale of unrequited love, missed opportunities, and the lingering sting of "what could have been".

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